
Friday, June 19, 2015

Majalah Pa & Ma : The Supermama Photoshoot

Hye all!

I've been invited to join a photoshoot with Majalah Pa & Ma last Monday for the Supermama section.

This time it was about how mommies can actually involved in sport despites of being soo busy with kids, work, home and among other stuff.

There were 7 of us, supermamas, invited for the session. That was the first day we met and we clicked right away. Memang sempoi most of them. And what I noticed was most of them are so young! Tiba2 terasa im a bit old for this. ngeee!

There were bowler mama (with bowling ball size of 12 and she's a spinner!), workout mama (with the dumbbell), Skipping mamas (ok that doesn't sound right?), Badminton mama and the coolest one : the Skateboarding mama! Me, was thinking of nothing else than yoga. coz I don't really have any sporting gadget since I mostly do yoga, zumba and plank stuff.

supermama photoshoot
With the Supermamas
With Kak Intan from Karangkraf. Thanks kak for inviting us
New friends!
This is super cool!!
 A young mom of 2 months old baby. baru lepas pantang katanya.
Done shooting for the day!
Thanks to Rania Hijab for this super gorgeous satin silk shawl.
So stay tuned for the article which most probably be out in September 2015

To the supermama team,
It is nice meeting all of you.
Hope we met in some other time.
Let's keep in touch!


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