
Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Young and Dangerous : Rose & June

Hye all!

Have you heard about a Hong Kong crime film, The Young and Dangerous?

i bet you've heard and watched it right?

But, No, i am not writing about this movie ;)

You've read the title : The Young and Dangerous : Rose & June. What about them? Who are they?

Let me tell you stories about these two.

Story No 1 : Rose

Rose is one of my business partners. We got to know one another from my cousin. She is YOUNG and indeed dangerouos ;)

She started this business few months ago. She graduated from a politecnic in Behrang in Civil Engineering. She's from Cheras, raised in Kuantan and Selangor. She is now working as Assistance Officer Quality Assurance/Quality Control in a site in Kajang. She is such a bubbly and happy go lucky girl!
And this is actually the first time I've met a girl taller than me!! Trust me, she's like close to 180 cm!! Terasa pendek okay bila berdiri sebelah makcik ni :P
Why did I said she's young and dangerous? She's only 22 years old, but since starting business, she sold off Premium Beautiful Corset like hot cakes!! by cash!
Chosen to be one of the Premium Beautiful models along with me last July, we are now a cover model for the Ultimate guide of Premium Beautiful.
You can find Rose in:
Facebook : Rose Hanafiah
Instagram : @rosehanafiah
Google+ : +Rose Hanafiah
You may contact her at 013-4495751

Story No 2 : June Johary

Who is June Johary?
I got to know June from one of my business partners. June, only 21 years old and from Changlun, Kedah. I havent been there and I dont know how big is Changlun :) hehe. Being a KL and Southern girl, Ive always had the idea how far the journey would be to travel to either Northern or Eastern of Malaysia. hehe.
Well, June is currently a diploma student in Human Resource. She studies in Malacca and now she is in her practical session in Sungai Petani.
She is also a tall girl. I think we are either at the same height or she's a bit taller than i am. To those who didnt know, i am about 170 cm or 5'6" tall.
Same as Rose, she is also actively selling Premium Beautiful Corset. As a student, one corset sold, the income is much higher and much worth it!
Though we have just met two times so far, I love her spirit! We communicate either face to face or through whatsapp and phone calls. It is much easier now to get in touch since we are using social media as communication method.

You can find June in :
Facebook : June Johary
Instagram : @junejohary
You may contact her at 019-4150788

Both Rose and June last month have achieved far and I cant wait to groom them further. Close to the Sales Manager title, even students can achieve RM20,000 sales within few months if they are determined, focus, committed and always refer to leaders.
To both of Rose and June, this is just a beginning towards success. Let's treasure this together and build an empire together!
We can DO IT!!!

To be part of our team, you can contact me at 017-6511966. I'd love to hear from you and share how to start our journey together.


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