
Friday, July 11, 2014

Transformers Age of Extinction

Hye All!

Semua dah tengok belum Transformers yg baru?
Transformers Age of Extinction
Of course peminat-peminat transformers mesti dah awal2 usha that movie kan?

I did too!

Last weekend, right after our class and special class, after berbuka puasa together, me, my husband, Ieja, Duan, Fariz and Yong went to see the movie.

The Diamond Circle Team

Excited buka puasa, dah tak toleh kiri kanan dah.
We bought our food from Taman Tun Bazar Ramadhan.
Since we were already at Damansara, we checked at the online system at TGV and GSC One Utama, but both full. Apa tak nya, nak tengok show at 9:30 pm, at that time dah pukul 8:30 pm pun. haha. Then i thought about Cineplex at the Curve. memang confirmlah ada seat. 

Booked and packed all in one car! haha. macam sardines.

Once arrived, we queued up to buy popcorns. and drinks.
Ye, sesuai untuk kids jugak. Oh yang belah kiri ye kids, yang kanan tu orang dewasa; Single and Available gitu, kan yong? opps! haha

Then we acted like lil kids. lol!!

Ieja and Duan. couple yang memang sporting

Terkekek-kekek gelak amik pix nie. orang yg jaga counter pun pelik je tengok mak and bapa budak buat peel!
Ni lagi dua orang yang cute!!
Oh, you want to know the movie review?
It was exciting until towards the end. Since the movie took 160 minutes, i slept the last half an hour. dah penat kot.haha
so if you want to know the real review, go ask my husband or Duan. both of them watched it til the end. me and ieja? tido. lalala
Oh lupa tanya yong faham dak tengok this movie.hehe

Just read the synopsis from the imdb.
Get the Link here : TRANSFORMERS Age of Extinction

The thing that i dont like is the act by Nicola Peltz was horrible! rasanya tere lagi kot kalau Paris Hilton yang berlakon. lol! Keras, tak natural and also tayang kaki je.. hmmm.. ok fine! kaki dia memang cantik.
To director Transformers, sila jangan amik lagi minah ni berlakon ye. very very terrible.

The thing that i like is the bonding thing between Mark Wahlberg and Jay Reynor.

and this Jay Reynor, memang tere berlakon. Love the driving skills he showed, eventho most of it done by the stuntmen.
The eye candy ;)
Okay. Not a bad movie.
Go watch it yourself, because each one of us has different expectation.

Happy watching!



  1. hahaha ok, tak tanya yong la.hehehe

  2. tidur jugak ? hahaha. agreed, yang pelakon perempuan tu memang tak syok tengok dia belakon. haihhh.

  3. hahaha syazril pun tido gak eh?
    kan? ngantuk kot
    yup heroin tu ntah ape2. pandai lagi erra fazira berlakon.
