
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Premium Beautiful Classic vs Premium Beautiful Elegance

Dah lama tak bercerita about one of my favorite item in life

Premium Beautiful.

This fasting month, we usually got so tired and no energy, right? And then during meeting at 10 in the morning, suddenly your stomach making that i-am-hungry sound. Isnt it humiliating? 

But, for me, since im wearing Premium Beautiful corset 2 years ago, this is my 2nd time wearing this corset during bulan puasa. Alhamdulillah, tak pernah rasa lapar. seriously! Perut pun tak berdangdut. lol!
Penat okay belajar pose macam ni. lol!

And now, all of you have heard about the new line of Premium Beautiful, right?

Let me introduce it to you.

For 20 years in the market and never lack of demand, Premium Beautiful Classic :
Premium Beautiful Classic
And let me present you the new line of Premium Beautiful Corset, the Premium Beautiful Elegance :
Premium Beautiful Elegance
Can you spot the difference?

Let me tell you who should get the Classic and who should get the Elegance?
It is not only by the look. but by function.

If you want to have immediate reshaping look, faster permanent shaping, has chubbier body, you should go for Classic. because Premium Beautiful Classic will place your fat in a right location and lock it. Wearing it 3 to 6 months consistently will show you result.

If you dont have any body shape issue or already kurus, you just want to have a good posture, maintain a good shape, get benefits from FIR, already have your Premium Beautiful Classic with you, have your body fat positioned in a right location;  to wear it lightly, get Premium Beautiful Elegance. It is a compliment to your body, wearing it feels like not wearing a corset at all! 
If you already have your Classic, you wear Classic during the day, and Elegance in the evening.

The gorgeously corset embossed with gold thread for Premium Beautiful Elegance

Now, lets see who should get Premium Beautiful, let it be the Classic or the Elegance :
A mom of two
A newly wed, already has a good body shape but wants to Maintain the shape

A different shape of body, Pear shape

Or an hour-glass shape.
Now look at the new testimonies:
Such a HUGE transformation!!

Just given birth, wore Premium Beautiful and look at her now!
(CLICK here if you want to see previous compilation testimonies)

So, which Premium Beautiful should i get?
What size am i?
Contact me, your authorized agent for Premium Beautiful.
I will do my very best to advise you which one and what size. Also, i do offer FREE Fitting to my clients.

We have a special promo going on right now with up to RM400 discounts!
Hurry up. Only few sets left.


Your Premium Beautiful Agent