
Monday, June 2, 2014

Living Cost in Malaysia, Are we ready?

People are talking everywhere.
How a RM50 now value like RM5 in the 90s.
How much you can get from a RM100 for a visit to Tesco or to Giant. We are not talking about Jaya Grocers of Cold Storage here.
and how long can we survive this?
having almost everything hikes up, but not our household gross income.

The reality

What did we miss? the hike from 2013 to 2014

The living cost comparison among cities in Malaysia.

Even Medical expenses also increased!
It is a global issue. Everywhere around the world, the living cost going up. The economy not doing so well.

What we can do to fight it?

Can we survive by eating in, stopping the unnecessary spending like having to go out for a bowling or a movie date, telling your kids "No, Going to Legoland or Kidzania wasnt that great as their friends keep on telling them", or whenever your kids asked for KFC or McDonald you can say that we can get the ayam goreng at the nearby pasar malam. Can you? 

I cant.

As much as i can bear myself for not having to spend for unnecessary stuff, I want to fulfill my kids' wishes, as small as I want a KFC or as big as I want to go to Disneyland (okay, mama tengah kumpul duit.)

If you feel you have more than enough for yourself, look around. How about your parents, your siblings, your aunties and uncles or even your neighbor. 

I quoted from a website stating these: 

Firman Allah yang maksudnya: “Perumpamaan (nafkah yang dikeluarkan oleh) orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya di jalan Allah adalah serupa dengan sebutir benih yang menumbuhkan tujuh tangkai; tiap-tiap tangkai itu pula mengandungi seratus biji. Dan ingatlah! Allah akan melipatgandakan pahala (ganjaran) bagi sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Dan Allah Maha Luas (rahmat) kurnia-Nya lagi meliputi ilmu pengetahun-Nya.”Al-Baqarah:261

Walau bagaimanapun, keadaan ekonomilah yang menentukan seseorang itu boleh memberi nafkah. Keadaan ekonomi membolehkan seseorang untuk menanggung keperluan hidupnya, bahkan ibadat-ibadat seperti haji dan zakat perlu dilakukan dengan menggunakan harta. 

Sedekah juga memerlukan harta. Membuat kebajikan seperti mendirikan masjid, hospital, sekolah dan lain-lain juga memerlukan harta. 

Oleh kerana besarnya peranan harta kepada kehidupan manusia, maka kebanyakan daripada aktiviti manusia berkisar pada soal harta atau ekonomi.Orang yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah s.w.t. tidak harus bersikap tamak dalam mengumpulkan harta tetapi hendaklah membelanjakannya ke jalan Allah dan yakin dengan janji Allah tentang rezekinya. 

Think about it.

We can make a difference.

Be a GLAMpreneur now and you will change yours and others for a better life.



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