
Thursday, May 29, 2014

LOVE is in the air : Amirul & Athirah

Congratulations to my only brother for stepping up to be someone's husband, officially.
Alhamdulillah it was a successful event, a barakah majlis. 

A bit background of my brother.

He is the only boy in my sibling. the only one who used to be so spoiled and manja.
used to be cepat merajuk and sorok bawah meja.
He is one of the closest with me among others. Whatever i advise or say, Alhamdulillah he'll follow.
Penah jadi my babysitter for Lissa & Hanie for more than a week. Scared by those kiddos sebab garang, tapi still disayangi. kalau menangis, kadang2 sebut nama PakLang.

He studied back then in Dentistry at Jakarta. it was a long years of study. Now being a 28 years old, he just graduated and has been posted in Johor Bahru as a dentist.
He met his newly wedded wife now in Jakarta. At first we met, i thought she is such a sweet girl, yes, indeed. Very friendly and cute!

Now lets take a look at the two-day event.

Day 1 : 24th June 2014 : the Solemnization

We drove from Shah Alam to Jengka, Felda Terkam Utara in the afternoon. Once reached there, we were served with the luncheon menu from Athirah's family. So inviting and friendly. 
We were then directed to the Felda Residence Jengka for the one night stay.
The Felda Residence Jengka chalet.
A semi-D type, where can accommodate 4-5 people at one time.
If you bring along the extra bed or toto, you can max it up to 10 people ;)

We stayed at chalet 53.
Ok, i totally forgot to snap the picture inside the chalet.
It has 2 single beds and 1 queen bed.
He's wearing my husband's nikah samping. hehe

The mak andam of the day, me and mama.hehe
Ready to go!
While waiting for the solemnization

Over tak saya?

Lissa Maisarah & Maksu kesayangan. tak dapat dipisahkan

Me, simple makeup with hanie myazara

Mr Hubby

Lissa Maisarah, wearing the head band from my business partner, Amy.
The upacara

Confirm berdebar, yang tukang snap pix pun sama, sebab tula sume gambar nak gegar

Our big happy family
Welcoming the only menantu Perempuan dalam keluarga.

Selfie jom!

the kiddos
Day 2 :  The Wedding Reception

Alhamdulillah. Majlis akad nikah done in a beautiful ceremony.
The next day was the wedding reception, Persandingan Raja Sehari.

We had our breakfast kampung style in the chalet, of course with Mineral Coffee

Our Theme for the day is GREEN.
And I'm wearing for the first time my emarald green Ariani shawl Dato' Siti.
Konon nak simpan raya, takde!

With my 2nd sister, Effa and her baby Qayyum and hana at the back

With the Pahlawan of the day.
Sila ignore org yg kat blakang tu yer.hahaha

The family. kakak and hanie da muka cranky sebab panas

My mom and dad

With the pengapit. single but i guess not available? ngee

The perarakan

With the Raja Sehari.

With my sporting Atok. already 80+ years old. tapi still sihat. alhamdulillah

The cutie pies

Masa ni my makeup pun dah cair dah. with the lovely Athirah

To Jijie and Athirah :
Kaklong doakan both of you bahagia hingga ke syurga. Moga Allah pelihara hubungan both of you. insyaAllah.

Stay tuned for the wedding reception on our family this coming 7th June 2014.

Follow #amirulathirah in Facebook and Instagram for the updates.

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