
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hanis Haizi's Hanif Rayyan Aqiqah


First of all, before I start, let us keep our silence and say our prayer to victims of MH370 Flight Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Al-fatihah.

Last Saturday, we've got an invitation from Green Leaders Academy Malaysia's founder (GLAM) Hanis Haizi to her third newborn baby, Hanif Rayyan's aqiqah.

The event was held at her parents' Bandar Tun Hussein Onn, Cheras.

The lovely setting by Adi Wedding Deco
Off we go to pick up the cake at Bukit Jalil
The lovely cake. Mr husband pun drive secara berhemah, okay!

Sampai je, terus cari baby Rayyan. so cute and sangat tegap for a 2-month old baby.
Okay, dont misinterpret this pix. both kiddos of mine bukan takut with me having another baby ye, both of them just takut sbb baru sampai to an unknown's house.
Hi cutie!!

Passed to Mr husband to handle the baby
Lissa tak tau buat ape, tak boleh berenggang dgn Abah
At this time, kids tak ramai lagi. so xde geng nak main
The desert.
This one, memang sedap
Yums, x sempat rasa sebab dah!

The cake, as always by our favorite baker, Dwen Ujang.
Vanilla cake inside

The cute newborn baby, hanif rayyan
The Desert Table for the aqiqah
Selfie, tapi ade je yg menempek. huhu
Hanie Myazara, a bit anti social.hehehe
The Marhaban started by Hanis's lovely mom
The invitees
At back, Hafiz Atan acted as the official photographer

We cited together the marhaban
A busy man that day, capturing lovely moments

Me with the makeup artist, the talented Chika the Divas! sangat da bomb the make up done by her for Hanis

famous blogger
Selfie with Shazwani Hamid, Hanis's lil sister
The food. yums sangat!

Lissa loved the kambing. tambah lagi daging

Hanie berselera makan
Hello ducky cup cake!

Orang lain dah habis makan, tapi Hanie tak lagi. Bawa ke hulu ke hilir cup cake duck dia.

Lissa and Abg Fariz, Ieja's son. Memang manja sangat dgn abg fariz dia.

Hanis's second son, Haikal. sangat comel and cheeky. He called his lil brother as "Anak". lol!
With the lovely Hanis Haizi.
She is a very very successful entrepreneur. Even her sales this month closed to RM4 millions!
But being humble, yes she is. Very dedicated to her business partners.
Proudly to announce, i am a glampreneur and hanis haizi protege.

Me with top three CDM, leaders in GLAM. All successful and i'm on my way, insyaAllah

The father, the backbone of Glam, CDM Razali Zain.
Nampak ketokohan bapa mithali tak?

dress fashion designer
Lovely and gorgeous! Touched from MUA Chika and Wearing Radzuan Radziwill's dress
Partial of Glampreneurs during the evemt
The event went smooth and lovely.
Baby Rayyan behaving so well. 

Semoga Baby Rayyan menjadi anak yang soleh, sihat, cerdas, serta menjadi anak kebanggaan keluarga, agama dan negara. Amin.

Been in this business, we build a relationship more than just business partners.
We build a closer relationship like family.
I am thankful to find this business opportunity which offers more than i could ever imagine.

Thank you Allah, Thank you Hanis Haizi and Thank you Shaliza Aziz.

Til we meet again.


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