
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Anugerah SM/SSM March 2014

Congratulations Pink Diamonds of The Diamond Circle!!

Last Sunday, 16th MArch 2014, I celebrated 5 of my Business Partners who have step up to the next level in business. In this business, every achievement will be celebrated, gilang gemilangnya!
Starting from this achievement, there will more achievements to be celebrated. From here onwards, a leader will be born.

Syukur, Alhamdulillah, there were also guys in my group who have achieved success. and without further words, let's enjoy the pictures and share the happiness.

Getting ready for the event!

Off we go!
Since we were from my parents at Nilai, ive got no choice but to make up by my own. x berapa nak "siap".lol!

Meet our photographer, the fame and talented, Hafiz Atan

Celebrating the achievement of my business part, Fiza

My business partners. Proud of you all!

Eda Edros from Sungai Petani, Kedah. An executive from automotive manufacturer

Me, CDM Shaliza and pasangan pengantin baru, Ila and Zul.
Zul is one of my business partner under the Glam Lelaki program.
Chaiyok zul!!

Selfie with CDM Hanis. sangat gorgeous

With both of my CDMs, dedicated, humble leaders

The stage at Menara PGRM. Very big

Hubby done register for his Senior Sales Manager Award

Proud of him! Second step in the business. another 3 steps towards CDM

With partners

Selfie using the monopod. Orang keliling dah pandang, dah kenapa... hehe

Ape aje CDM ieja ajar cara posing ker?

The lovely us. I love the bonding, the friendship, the partnership.
We work together hand in hand, in teamwork.

Hubby on stage

Senyum lebar dia. So proud of you, babe!
Barisan CDM. 
Right after he got down the stage, CDM Razali Zain shouted his name. They have created such a lovely bonding. DDM Duan too has became one of his closest friend nowadays.

The GLAMLelaki. the guys.
Who said this business is for ladies only? we've proven that you're wrong

The Freestyle

And the parody. bomoh!

The handsome

Hope we can remain as friends forever. amin

Okay, tak reti posed.

Erk? usherette kah? lol

If she didnt held me from the beginning, i am no one as i am now. thank you cdm shaliza aziz.

The guys

Glam Lelaki

Mr hubby

Love Cozuma lipsticks! I am wearing one of them the Berry Me. sangat smooth, soft and for sensitive lips like mine.

The new series of Premium Beautiful, the Elegance. Very thin and u dont feel like wearing a corset!
Apa lah yang kelakar sangat ye

Congrates all, especially to Fiza, Dylla Azmi and Zul.
First batch of Sales Manager Award
We have created such a close bonding!

Second batch of Sales Manager award.
Congrates Eda!
Mr husband with Mr Zul.
Adik & abang :)

Bangga dgn semangat zul. Muda lagi, baru je melangsungkan perkahwinan, even this Sunday kenduri belah lelaki.
Tapi sudi luangkan masa bersama2 wife utk naik pentas amik anugerah.
Congrates zul!

Congrates Eda! Sanggup travel jauh dari Utara untuk hadir.
Syabas and more to come!!

Right after the award

The Diamond Circle!

Glamprenuers - Glam Lelaki

Shanghai Kami Datang!!!

With all the glampreneurs under CDM Hanis Haizi & CDM Razali Zain

The lovely couple and fiza,!!

All the best two of you. In June, lets celebrate more

Ala supermodel gitu

Santai before balik, with our official photographer, Hafiz Atan

My backbone

Congratulation Fiza for becomes a Sales Manager.
Next will be Senior Sales Manager and Diamond Sales Manager in June!!

Congratulations Dylla Azmi
Dari seorang housewife, now has become someone successful. more to come, dearie

Congratulations Zulidzham Arif
A young entreprenuer, a young engineer, very enthusiastic and ambitious.

Congratulations Eda Edros
Jauh atau dekat bukan penghalang kejayaan.
Let's do it!!!
To mr husband, you have become by backbone, leader now in your team. Let's lead them towards success

To all partners, congratulations
Sekalung tahniah!
InsyaAllah, our team is becoming stronger day by day.
Kejayaan demi kejayaan definitely will be ours.

Jumpa anda semua di puncak kejayaan!!


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