
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Looking for Business Partners

Salam All.

I am currently looking for business partners and new protege.

Doesnt matter if it is a partnership, a dropship agent or whatever the name you call it.

What you'll get?

1. Additional Income

    High Return up to 45%

2. High Demand Products

Premium Beautiful
It has been in the market since 1997 and has increasing demand since until today! 
Marine Essence Beauty Bar
A great product speaks for itself.
Has been out of stock due to high demand all over Malaysia.
Now recovering and the demand has never stop.

Bio Velocity Sleep Mate
So many Testimonies available even though it has just been in the market for 1 year.

3. A Guidance and Training

We continuously been getting knowledge and training from these social media guru.


You will never be left alone. There's always someone there who'll help you.


It's gonna be about 2 to 3 times yearly, with 5 stars treatment. and anyone can go. no restriction.
Next will be to Shanghai!

6. Car Fund

Our Hanis Haizi

Our CDM Sha Khalid

Our CDM Shaliza Aziz

A lot others than you could ever imagine being a glampreneur under my wings.

Lets be part of us and grab the opportunity of a lifetime!

Contact me :

or my husband : 


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