
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our Triple Celebration at TGI Friday


December and January have always been our favorite months.

18th December is hubby's birthday, 24th December our Anniversary and 11th January is my birthday.
Since the dates are very close, we didnt have enough time to spend for celebration for each of the events. 
Thus this time, i decided that we should do the triple celebrations.

Last Sunday, on the 12th, I asked Mr husband to get ready and go for a dinner. Off we went to The Curve, to our favorite restaurant, TGI Friday.

Sampai-sampai je at The Curve, the sakura look alike welcomed us.. chewah!
So feeling2 ala Shanghai mode, we snapped a few pix. Now, let's enjoy pictures we took.

Hanie, kenapa tutup mata? Im sleepy la, mama. lol!

My #ootd
Blouse by Dynas (it is a breastfeeding blouse, okay)
Long skirt by MNG (love it cause tak tergantung)

Lissa loves to posed different and weird style.

My three sweethearts

Jalan, jalan, then saw this! exactly my blog name, A New Beginning. Coincidence. 

We arrived at our fav restaurant, TGI Friday.
Terus bukak menu.

While waiting for our steak, let's selfie, dear

Husband with Lissa and a very sour taste drink.

Yeay! Lissa got her spaghetti first. and it is FREE for kids. banyak kan??

The burger for kids. bnyk kan portion dia??

and both kids shared both meals
Mula la berebut

I love tomatoes!! 

Sebesar muka Lissa burger tu.haha

Let me show how i eat, mama
Kecomotan terserlah

Both of them love spaghetti just because of the marinara sauce = tomotoes

More act from me

And my New York Strip arrived. complete with the Wild Mushroom Sauce, Mash potatoes with cheese and broccoli and beans.
and people wonder how i maintain my figure. makan tak boleh tolak, pakai la Premium Beautiful Corset, confirm perut boleh maintain tak kembung.heheeh
She loves the broccoli

and the beans.

Hubby's second drink, the apple slush with lime. super masam!!
Yeah, we had fun.
kalau hari-hari pergi TGI makan steak pun okay. lol!!
pocket pun kena la tebal hari-hari
ok, mode kumpul duit in piggybank special for tgi friday steak.ngeeee

Now time to stop merapu and get back to work ;)

take care all
and Happy Tuesday!!


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