
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

About Me : My Obsession in Travelling (Travelog 2013)

A confession.

I am obsess with traveling.

I cant survive without at least a weekend getaway for more than a month.

Travelling has became my air to breathe.

Whenever i didnt go for a break, i'll be a totally different, grumpy person!

This year alone, I have gone to few places,let it weekend getaway, family trip or trip with business partners; and some of it for a repeat visit (kes tak puas pegi!)

February 2013 : Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

June 2013 : Jakarta & Bandung

Shopping tak hingat
August 2013 : Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

September 2013 : Seoul, Korea
My First Qualified trip with business

October 2013 : Krabi, Thailand

pending entries

November 2013 : Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

December 2013 : Singapore
First experience in Singapore with Public Transportation.
Will blog about it in details which will serve as guidelines for those who wants to explore Singapore by public transport.

So, what's next in 2014?

February 2014 : Gold Coast, Australia

Mid 2014 : Shanghai, China

Still open for travel partners.
Free 5-star treatment!!

PM me to be part of the group.

Back to back travel for free!

I'm so loving it!!!
Looking forward a great year in 2014!!


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