
Monday, December 16, 2013

GLAM and Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Visit

We went to the bbw book sale on Friday Night!!
(Remember my post previously HERE)

Earlier, me and husband went to our routine friday night, GLAM class.
Me with business partners, on the left, Elis and on the right Miza who came all the way from Bangi

First time ever, a guy was incharged to be an emcee of the day!
He was CDM Shukran, who was previously an engineer at one of the reputable o&g company.

Our speaker of the day - also was an IT engineer at IBM - fulfilled her dream to become a fulltime mompreneur.
CDM Sha Khalid is an inspiration, also my leader and my mentor.

Later, we watched the Seoul, Korea video clip, Love the Gwiyomi act we did!

The class that day closed with a motivation from CDM Hanis Haizi's husband - also previously an engineer.
CDM Razali Zain left us with a quote to ponder:
"Degil lebih bahaya dari Jahil"
What's ur interpretation?

An O-group by our CDM Sha Khalid to conclude everything.
The motivation and guidance in GLAM class never fail to guide us.
It is FREE and always available for us
And Mr husband listened very carefully.
Thanks to him for the full support.
Now both of us combined for this business and Alhamdulillah it is getting easier with his help and contribution

Me, CDM Sha Khalid and Elis

Right after class, i had a lemon tea with Nasi Lemak. and we are ready to go to the Big Bad Wolf!

On our way to pick up our friend, Aizan to tag along and sort of be our "tour" guide. lol!

There we were
At 2 am in the morning.

Perhaps, there were BIG crowd at the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale.
And there were so many books divided by categories

Love this Beauty and fashion section

While Aizan was looking at the Gardening section, i was impressed with the beauty section.

and read this tips!
Cara nampak kurus ye..hehe

children's books
Most of my grabs were from the Children Section.
Rasa macam nak grab semua.. tapi bersabar...

Love this book. Though was thick, the price is no more than RM10!
Both of us grab the same book.

I only got these 2 books with me

The rest are all for Lissa and Hanie

Muka ceria at 4 am!

and mr husband, of course grabbed all the Golf books and magazines
We left MIECC at 4 am in the morning.
The crowd were never lessen.

Satisfied enough, went back and slept the day til noon!

Anyway, thanks Aizan for the "tour" and tips.
Gonna enjoy the books with the kiddos so much!


  1. alo cik kak..malu lah cheq, hang letak muka aku tue haha

  2. Yong, memang 24 hours. tp weekend aritu last dah.
    pukul 4 pagi tu lagi ramai orang, ade la.huhu

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. elo cik kak aizan,
    ok ape muka cun tu. walaupun pkl 4pagi.hehehe

  5. elo cik kak aizan,
    ok ape muka cun tu. walaupun pkl 4pagi.hehehe
