
Monday, December 9, 2013

A Beautiful Day with GLAM

Last Saturday, the first collaboration our team, Green Leaders Academy Malaysia (GLAM) with Rizman Ruzaini Creation, along with Hai-O Marketing Sdn Bhd, A Beautiful Day with GLAM was held at Vivatel Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

I was appointed one of the AJK as the usherette of the day along with another Glampreneur, Olyn. 

The day before the event, on Friday night right after our GLAM class, me and DDM Yong were incharged to open the registration counter to take order for special GLAM book which will be launched in January 2014.
The next morning, as early as 8:00 am, i went to my make up artist house, Kak Nani Rostam, mom of the famous Hanis Zalikha for my make up. She was really humble and friendly. in fact, she is beautiful even tho without any make up.

Indeed, her house is so neat and beautifully designed. I choose to be make up by her because i admire her natural make up to her customers and also her house is closed to mine.
And we are ready! Look at my eyes, a bit "redup" due to lack of sleep.hehe
And pardon mr driver for not getting ready yet. Guys, kejap je siap, sarung itu ini, they are done!
We arrived early at the Vivatel Hotel, KL for the rehearsel at 11 am.

The event started at 1 pm to 6 pm.

The two Mr Audio Video guys. Mr Ridhuan and Mr Rosman

The gadgets ready!

Mr husband without the formal suit yet.
The Ballroom ready for 300 pax.

The gorgeous CDM Shaliza Aziz, wearing Rizman Ruzaini outfit.

CDM Razali Zain briefed both emcees
The beauty products for promotion. Luminex beauty skin care and Cozuma compact powder.

The hot and high demand Marine Essence Series

The most effective BBPlus Collagen drink.

The spot of the day, Premium Beautiful Series : Classic and Elegance.
Our CDMs in the front row

The event started with the contribution song to our company, Hai-O Marketing Sdn Bhd

The introduction of CDMs, including our lovely mentor CDM Shaliza Aziz and husband Ridhuan Che Ros
Our emcees of the day, from Hai-O and from Glam, Kak Aween.
Kak Aween, emcee for today. Without her, the event would be lifeless. She is a GM at one of reputable GLC.
No money issue for her or family. She even drives an Audi. But being a top management, time with family is always an issue.  She pursue to be part of Glampreneurs in order to grab her dream of quality time with family.

The event continued with a full description of Premium Beautiful and why it has been a choice of every women in Malaysia since 1997 until now.

At back stage, the models for Premium Beautiful ready for the show. both classic and elegance.
My business partners sacrificed their leisure time with family to attend this big event.
From left, Afizah Nordin, Dilla Asmuin, urs truly and Elisma Munahdar

The Pink Diamonds of The Diamond Circle

My team with our CDM Shaliza Aziz.
Sedih pulak tak sempat bergambar the whole team with CDM. Busy meng"usher" orang. lol!
And then Rizman texted me, said that they are ready at the Hotel Lobby. Nervous to meet them for the first time, and indeed they are very very friendly.
This was when our Hafiz Atan, GLAM official Photographer interviewed both of Rizman and Ruzaini.

Rizman explained on their collection for the fashion show in a bit.

Okay, jangan jealous. Me selfie with Ruzaini. He is very friendly and down to earth. It was so much fun when i got the chance for up close and personal. Borak-borak unofficially about their activities.
and also with the talented Rizman. He has transformed tremendously!!!

With one of the model. Tinggi okay! but of course they were wearing 10" heels!

See? i am 5'6" already, but they are much taller than me (after wearing the 10" heels) Very impressed with their skills to wear those heels and walk gracefully during the catwalk

At the back stage with the models. I was so lucky to get the chance.

With the best collection. I was awed with the design and details. to be my next design for dress!
And the catwalk started

super impressed with the models.

As if i was looking at the American Next Top Model show
The strides, the looks, the trotting leg extension!

Both designers on the stage after the show

At back stage

Me again with Ruzaini and half of the models.
I was supposed to guard the crowd for the photography sessions, but I was one of them taking pix.
Not gonna missed the moment, right? hehe

Our CDMs with the designers
Do you notice who's this? She was Malaysian Most Beautiful winner. Dilla Syahirah. I got the chance to chat with her.
This was actually her first fashion show after she got married and gave birth. She has 2 kids now, 3 years old and a 4 months baby at home.
When i snapped this selfie with her, we were looking for some lights.

Here's another shot under the spot light at back stage.
She's really humble and gorgeous!
Another selfie with this super model, Tuty Noor. She wasnt feeling good that day, took a rest for a while.
Hope she gets well soon!
The Rizman Ruzaini Creation video show

12 collections from Rizman Ruzaini
Right after the fashion show, i took a chance to snap more photos with the famous designers.

With both of them in the Powder Room.
And haruslah bawa my whole team to snap pix with them
DDM Yong with Rizman.
Yong ni baru berumur 25 tahun. She started this business at her young age of 23 years old. but she managed to reach the 2nd highest ranking in business.
She was a beautician before with RM500 paycheck every month. Now earning close to 5 figures and soon will drive a new luxury car.
Adore her spirit!!
(Oh, not forget to mention, being some girl from Sungai Petani, English pun sometimes Yong tak tau. but able to travel around the world with this business)

With Elis, an engineer with determination to pursue Time and Money freedom

With Afizah, a Section Manager at my workplace. also with dreams to become a full time mompreneur

With Dilla Asmuin, a mom of two, just given birth to her second baby, but willing to sacrifice her weekend to be here.
The four of us with Ruzaini.

And the men behind my business journey, Mr hubby and CDM Razali Zain

The Love of my life
Eventhough baru balik keje shift malam, he's willing to tag along and took part in the event

We have become very close together.
All with same goal.

Congratulations Afizah for received the First prize of the Lucky Draw. Beli barang, dapat hadiah lucky draw.
I heard it was worth close to RM1,000!!
Although tak sempat makan this hi tea event, puas jugak tengok my business partners enjoying the event and the food.
Heard that the spring rolls were delicious!

My Pink Diamonds of The Diamond Circle

Partial of The Diamond Circle attended the event.
Missing our CDM Shaliza Aziz. She rushed to the airport to fly to Paris with CDM Hanis Haizi and CDM Maisarah Ibrahim.

The Glam Lelaki. Behind tabir.
When everyone is gone, i took a chance to pose.

Pose puas-puas

The event was successful and my feet hurt like crazy!!

The Man

Me with Glam official photographer, the talented Hafiz Atan.
He shot a video of me, to summary the event.
He even told me that i have a "merdu" voice, but only during speaking, not really if i sing!
Sabar je la. He is funny, and founder of #sajianlestari in Instagram ;)

Me with CDM Shaliza Aziz
She is the real deal. She has full spirit of what people called success.

With CDM Hanis Haizi. Pregnant at 8 months old does not stop her from being active.
She is the Iron Lady. The founder of GLAM. Admire her from the first time i ever met her.
Now being close to her, the aura of successful, the aura of 6-figure lady.. bagaikan menusuk ke jantung. chewah!

Tak dapat buat catwalk, dapat posed sendiri pun jadi lah. lol!!

Selfie again, with Yong.

It's a wrap!!
Another big event and a successful one.
Thanks to all who came, thanks to all who bertungkus-lumus menjayakan this event.
Thanks to Rizman Ruzaini Creation for the collaboration.
Thanks to CDM Shaliza Aziz for trusting me to be the usherette of the day and giving me chance to get up close and personal with Rizman Ruzaini.
Thanks to CDM Hanis Haizi and CDM Razali Zain for the great idea for this Beautiful Day with GLAM.
Now, what's the big event next?



  1. congratss anak2 TDC, mak xsempat tgk uolss ambil hadiah. Thanks Airin for being the AJK for this event. U did very well :)

  2. Tq mentor Shaliza Aziz for the opportunity of a lifetime!
