
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Seoul, Here We Come : Day 3 Part 2 Han River Lunch Cruise

Remember my previous entry on Day 3 of Seoul Trip to Lotte World Duty Free?
Now let me continue our trip on Day 3 to Han River Cruise
What is Han River?
The Han River is a major river in South Korea and the fourth longest river on the Korean peninsula after the Amnok, Duman, and Nakdong rivers. Along the banks of the river, especially in Seoul, pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths are available on both sides of the river. Various restaurants and cafes are located on these paths. While most bridges crossing the Han are for motor vehicles or subways only, citizens may cross select bridges on foot or by bicycle. In the Han River Park, the Han River Business Division rents 1-seater and two-seater bikes at affordable prices.
The Han River and its surrounding area played an important role in Korean history. The Three Kingdoms of Korea strove to take control of this land, where the river was used as a trade route to China (via the Yellow Sea). However, the river is no longer actively used for navigation, because its estuary is located at the borders of the two Koreas, barred for entrance by any civilian.
Ok, now lets enjoy our journey to Han River.
Off we go to the Han River.
Perut pun dah lapar, time to fuel up with meal and Lunch Cruise does sound sooo good!!

Yeay! we are finally at the Han River

Okay, activity biasa, taking pictures!

Love the scenery

oh, it is really warm that day

Let's STAR JUMP!!! The fun part
Note : This is one of the best pix. punyalah banyak shot melompat sampai!!

Erm, haruslah posing gedik masing2!

Killing time while waiting for the lunch cruise

Mr Hubby. I am thankful that in this business, i finally can achieve my dream, bringing husband along with the trip also a satisfactory moment
Here we go!

Boarding gate for the cruise

I am super excited

Enjoying the sun, yes it is hot!!

Going down the stair

The view. very nice

and partial of the food

All food served are halal and seafood based.

Leader, CDM Ieja. we are lucky to have a leader and mentor like her.
The scenery along the river

Farouk and Ain, both different background, Farouk is a teacher and Ain is an engineer, but we get along so well in this business

The other ship 

Full of glampreneurs!!

The Salad bar

Practice with the piano

Us. having fun, eating!

After the lunch, we have fun posing in the cruise

The Ship

With our lovely CDM Hanis Haizi

Outside of the ship

Cover perut? hehe

Eh seriously this is candid!
Before we left, the chef and sous chef queuing up for us

Ha, siap tunjuk hormat lagi.
Just outside the cruise

Catching up with CDM Razali Zain, CDM Hanis's husband, the master mind of GLAM

Oh, ada plak extra co-curicullar by the Han River side
Cuba teka, CDM Raz baling ni masuk tak?

Hehehe. missed it!

And again.

Slightly missed it!! better luck next time, Cdm Raz!

Oh now, berjongkang jongket plak with bakal DDM Ridhuan, CDM Ieja's hubby
Cute jeik couple berdua ni


Perut kenyang, suka hati

Opss, ada lagi?

Snapping group photo with all glampreneurs. partial here, partial lagi sibuk posed tempat lain.

And of course, the Gangnam style video spot here

Me too! tak ketinggalan
The lovely husband

and here it is, exactly where Psy stood.
The main thing is that we manage to reach this Han River which has been features in Gangnam style music video. wehuuu!!
Stay tuned for updated on Part 3 of Day 3 for this GLAMJourney to Seoul.
See ya!!

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