
Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Dynamic Entrepreneurship Program

Hi All!

We have attended a dynamic Entrepreneurship Program last 2 weeks.
I am thrilled since this is my 2nd time attending the program and i was surprised of the knowledge received during the program. You'll never get tired of learning, right?

Who is the speaker?
Mr Winston Wong.
He was former President of MBF Holdings Berhad and President of Malaysia Paper MErchant's Association.
Mr Winston Wong, a corporate figure who turned to Network Marketing Industry for so many reasons.
One of the reason he told us was this is the industry who made him a human being. In the corporate world, dogs eating dogs world, he used to only care about himself. He never think about other people when he was appointed to lay off workers, he never thought what they are going to eat without job.
but in network marketing, he learned to be emotion towards people's, more to help others.

In Network Marketing, we build human capital. the value of people always appreciate. We offer freedom to others, both financial and time freedom.

He mentioned that in this industry, everybody can turn to be SOMEBODY. It doesnt matter you are a housewife (like Hanis Haizi), an engineer (like Sha Khalid), a teacher, an executive, a supervisor, professionals or supporting, a clerk. You have equal chances to be successful. The choice is yours. 

Now let me share the story of our journey that day. 13.10.13.

It was on sunday morning.
What usually i did before i was in this business?
Still in bed, tarik selimut and tidur.
But not now.
Being an entrepreneur, you've got to change. to a positive you.

Woke up at 6 am, get ready, and off we go to Setia City Convention Center, along with my business partner, Eda Edros who came all the way from Kedah y'all!

Sorry, picture a bit blurry because we were on the move.

Terus grabbed my leader, Shaliza Aziz and snapped selfie with her
Notice our shawl? Yup, all the wayy from Korea!

Here we go!

The tix ready for my business partners

My business partner, Afizah from shah alam and Eda from kedah
My earliest business partners. On the right is Elisma from Klang

Yes, although you graduated from Engineering or medical, or any major, do not let that stops you from learning other things.

There, my GLAM Lelaki, Zulidzham Arif, an engineer from Seremban. Young and single.
Being an electrical engineer, he never limit himself to business.

Before we start the program, we sang our group song together.
Terasa Aura Glampreneurs!

And Mr Winston Wong started..
Exactly. Make a Decision.

Then there were workshop to train new business partners on how glampreneurs run business.

She is a General Manager at one of GLC, but seing this business as opportunity to get time freedom with her kids, she make a move.
Though already driving an Audi, she never refuse to unlearn and relearn.

A Glam Lelaki shared his experience in the business.
This business is not only meant for ladies. guys also are venturing the opportunity nowadays.
Elisma, another engineer at one of biggest factory in Shah Alam.

Me and Zulidzham
Me and the mastermind, CDM Hanis Haizi

Lakonan semula. what to do and what NOT to do.

Me with other sidelines in the business. We work together in a team
Me with lovely leader, Sha Khalid. She was an IT engineer at IBM. Now working fulltime as entrepreneur.
My business partners with our CDM Hanis Haizi.
From left back, Afizah Glam Shah Alam & Johor, urs truly Glam Shah Alam & Nilai, our beloved CDM Hanis Haizi, Eda Edros Glam Utara, Kedah & Penang; Elis Glam Klang.
In front, Zulidzham Glam Negeri Sembilan, Seremban, Senawang and Ampangan

My team with two dedicated leaders, Shaliza Aziz & Sha Khalid
Both from different background, shaliza was former banker and sha was engineer.
but we work together and sync!

The whole GLAMpreneurs with our speaker of the day, Mr Winston Wong

We wished the photographer a Happy Birthday!
and this is the birthday boy!
Right after the seminar, all my business partners are pumped!
Many of us got a few appointments and getting closer to Gold Coast.

Wish us luck.

and you also can be apart of us.


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