
Monday, October 21, 2013

Gold Coast, Australia

It is like a dream comes true.
Back to back sponsored vacation.

Next vacation is to GOLD COAST, Australia!
The Gold Coast Map. Oh, tak jauh je nak ke Brisbane :)
Now is the right timing for the survey.
survey sket what's available at Gold Coast..
*mode excited*

The white sandy beach!
Imagining walking hand by hand with Mr Love ;)
and of course the SEA World!
definitely the roller coasters!!
The excitement at the wet and wild!
Oh, my husband and his partner Mr Razali Zain gonna love this!

Alhamdulillah been given the chance in this business.
kalau nak pegi sendiri, yes, i might. but with a 5-star treatment? i dont think so.

Want to know how?

Contact me:


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