
Monday, September 9, 2013

Bio Velocity Sleep Mate (BVSM)

Everyone is talking about this sleep mate.
What is so special about it?

I took an opportunity to attend the special demo class by CDM Kelvin. He was one of the pioneer in the business, already more than 20 years!
My Glam Lelaki team - from left, a professional chef, and the other two are engineers.
Full house Glam Training center that night!! 
The emcee of the night, CDM Adibah who was a housewife before, now a 5-figures income
CDM Kelvin started the briefing
Why it is so important for us to have enough sleep every day?
Definitely to protect our brain, delay aging process, longer lifespan, renew cell and many others.
How does it made?
The main function of the bio velocity sleep mate
Company sent the Bio Velocity sleep Mate to a University at Russia for a study
The study was held at Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Russia

The study was done by a professor named Prof Edward Krizhanivsky. He has published more than 80 articles and journals in scientific and materials for congress, 3 books and 12 patents.
The Study was done in a Double-blinded experiment, using tools for experiments such as crownscopy, Luscher Color Test, Aurabook, Blood pressue and Stange probe.
He divided the groups of people to 4 groups
And from the experiment, he found that it is proven that the stabilization of human's energy were better and more stable after the usage of the Bio Velocity Sleep Mate.
It is also concluded that there were an obvious effects of increased in energy level  after the usage of Bio Velocity Sleep Mate.
The results of the experiment after 30 minutes of usage

We were shown a very moved testimony. He involved in a very terrible accident.
He was paralyzed and pronounced as permanent disabled by doctor
But after using Bio Velocity Sleep Mate, on the second day, he can sit with help from a stick and on the 11th day, he can stand up! This was the same person whom has been announced by doctor as "vegetable"
On the 25th day, he can sit without any help. and after 1 month, he can take a step!
I had tears on my eyes when they showed the video of him taking steps.

This was another testimony. This young boy was infected by a virus which involves his nerves at his spine. Doctor declared that he wasnt a normal kid and more and more experiment were done to him. and it did no good to him. He finally considered as disabled person for the 4 months.
And after months warded in the hospital, a friend of his grandmother introduced the Bio Velocity Sleep Mate to this poor kid.
And after 2 weeks using it, he showed an improved result when he can move his feet.
Then later after 1 month, he can walk and stand by himself!
Now, after 3 months later, he can attend school and act exactly as normal kid.
The GDV Result proven.
Now, who can use this? or better.. who should have this?

After the briefing, we learned how to do a demo. Within 10 seconds, you can noticed the difference.
and proudly, it was my business partner who volunteered for the demo. Zulidzham Arif
Our Glam Lelaki team!
The whole Diamond Circle Team that night
It is no longer about money when you can help the person. it didnt just help the life of the person, but the whole family members.

And of course, right after the briefing, we are sooo excited to go to Gold Coast Australia just with the hot selling Bio Velocity Sleep Mate.

If you'd like to have a demo, let me know.



  1. Salam,
    Betulkah BVSM berkesan kepada pesakit stroke

  2. salam en rahman.
    berkenaan dengan bio velocity sleep mate, yes, memang banyak testimony telah mbantu pesakit stroke untuk pulih semula

  3. Di butterworth ada ke .. blh ke pulihkan org seperti makcik ... makcik dah 4 tahun dah kena stroke .. dah takut nak percaya... rasa mcm nak tgk dulu sebelum beli ..

  4. Di butterworth ada ke .. blh ke pulihkan org seperti makcik ... makcik dah 4 tahun dah kena stroke .. dah takut nak percaya... rasa mcm nak tgk dulu sebelum beli ..

  5. Salam makcik aini

    boleh sms pada saya, nanti saya explain kan. saya ada business partner berdekatan di butterworth. boleh bantu makcik.

    no phone saya 017-6511966
