
Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Unplanned Trip to Cameron Highland

 We had our so called unplanned short weekend getaway last Sunday to Cameron Highland.

Let me tell you the story.

Early Sunday morning, as early as 8:00 am I had the first business sharing session, as a mission to help my new business partner, Zulidzham Arif at Seremban. Since I was already at Nilai that night, that early morning, ku gagahkan diri  to meet this new enthusiastic engineer from one of reputable semiconductor industry at Senawang. Yes, i know, 8 am on Sunday morning? but the sacrifice was worth it!

My dedicated GLAM LELAKI.

And Alhamdulillah, he confirmed the membership on the day. Looking forward to work with him and Zul. Temwork rocks@
Then off we go to Batu Gajah for another appointment. this time we did convoy with our leader cum business partner Shaliza Aziz.
There you go, our dream car, Alfa Romeo!
Of course, our ultimate dream car, BMW aka beemer, drove by our business partner,
Right after the appointment, we decided to stay for one night at CAMERON HIGHLAND. This is exactly how Lissa react when we said we are going to eat Strawberry!!
Then we dropped by at Lata Iskandar, where usually if we made a family trip, we will just buy some kuih, pisang goreng and move on to the journey. but since this time with Ieja's, we decided to stop. their son, Fariz usually asked them to stop and...
berendam, okay!
At first, Lissa & Hanie tak nak dekat langsung! but then after they stepped into the water, just looked at how wet their pants were!
Love these pix so much!! Ieja and her motherhood :)
So sweet!
Main air with abg Fariz!
while mr hubby watched from far
After bermandi-manda, while we were eating, both siblings enjoying the view.
Definitely our first stop when approaching Brinchang is the strawberry farm. just to taste the strawberry with whipped cream and chocolate. yums!!
The happy family :)
The loving dad
The singing hanie myazara
Just look at where Lissa was! she was running away from her picture been taken! bertuah betul
Then we immediately checked in to our hotel Rosa Passadena approximately at 6 pm.
Eh eh, Hanie tak balance!
There you go, baru stable ;)
The mist came out of nowhere!!
And out of nowhere, suddenly a mist , kabus came.. suddenly the weather turned to very very cool!
It is a must! Eating corn activity by Hanie myazara & Lissa Maisarah
That night, Duan and Ieja invited us to this one restaurant. we have never been here before. The Glory 78 Steamboat Snack corner. and surprisingly it was delicious!!
Can you notice the bowl right next to my husband? While i was taking this photo, Hanie just grabbed it and dropped it on the floor! tak sempat grab..
The tomyam was delicious!! pedas ok!

Busy betul our mommy memasak ;)
We went back to hotel with a full stomach. and of course, mata pun mula layu..
Sleep like a baby!!
Bilik pun quite big for the 4 of us. the funny thing was both Lissa & Hanie slept on the queen bed and both their mama & abah sleep on the single bed.. x tahan berasak with both of them
Earlier at hotel lobby before checking in. Take note on Lissa's face. menahan perut.hehe

Then the next morning, while others fighting for Monday blues, we had our fun, went to the cafe at Rosa Passadena Hotel for breakfast.

It was not bad. lots of choice from fried rice, fried kueh teow, fried noodles, red beans, sausages and multi bread for choice.
Muka tak mandi..hehe
My choice of breakfast :)
After breakfast, we went to the Sungai Palas Teh Boh center. though we knew that the center closed on Monday, we went there for the scenery.

We love the scenery so much!
Definitely released our stress and tension and give us some fresh air to breathe!
 And of course we visited the Strawberry farm again before we go home. This time around, i exclude the chocolate, and immediately Ieja knew why.
Tips to ensure the kiddo's sweater wont be smudge and splurge with chocolate. 

Ended up with Hanie Myazara in a blanket back at home. sejukkss
We had so much fun. and sometimes it is better when u dont plan a trip. main redah je. but then the tips would be MAKE SURE it is not a school break season! you wont be getting any hotel during that season without prebooking it.

We should do this more often, ieja & duan. we'll plan for the next trip. It was so fun!! 

We are not only business partners now, but i found a true friend where we can share joy and tears.

May our friendship lasts forever.


Note: Duan, please upload pix of all seven of us!


  1. i love unplanned holiday. impromptu mmg best! hihi :)

  2. kan nad?
    dulu i tak suka klu unplanned ni. sbb everything surprised. takut xde bilik, takut x study jalan..mcm2 la..
    tp now, dah bley terima. rupanye best gak klu x plan. men redah. mcm adventure la kononnye.hehehe
