
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

GLAM Ramadhan


We are reaching the end of Ramadhan.
Hopefully our good deeds and solat were accepted by Allah Swt.
InsyaAllah, pray for our next Ramadhan next year.

Being a Glampreneur, i felt so lucky. just because we are "chasing" money and the comfort of the world, we never forget our responsibility as a servant to God.

Our Glam class continued as usual, every Friday. but during Ramadhan, we had iftar together and solat jemaah Maghrib, Isya' and Terawih. Then around 9:30 pm, we started our class.
We did hurry from our office just to make sure we didnt got stuck in the traffic

The happy faces

Shopped for food at the TTDI Bazar Ramadhan 
with my most dedicated business partner
Afizah Nordin
Arrived at GLAM and our founder Hanis Haizi was there already
Me, My leader Shaliza Aziz and other glampreneur, a site engineer
Makan pun berjemaah
The greatest thing! our mummy homemade caramel pudding
Our Sha Khalid prepared for the class.  She told me that she was nervous, which I never see she was before. Oh, it is normal, rupanye.. but in the end, she delivered very well without any hick ups.
The other day with my sister, Hanem Anuar
Visit her blog HERE
A student waiting for Degree program starts in October.
Cari duit poket while waiting.. no harm right?
This was the famous Popia. The queue was so long! But then when i tasted it, not so delicious.
*menyesal q* hehe
Me and Olyn, a site engineer, were incharged of GLAM that night. I was one of the speaker (yes, in front of more than 100 people) and she was the emcee of the day. Both of us were first timer. but Alhamdulillah, we delivered very well
Solat before start class
The emcee
The Barisan CDM
Our CDM Shaliza Aziz
Full House y'all!!
Me sitting next to a CDM. Adibah. she was a housewife before. at the young age of 25, she owned a BMW F10 and her husband who used to be a medical doctor, gave up his clinic and currently do the business full time.
Me as the speaker of the day. sila abaikan muka kelakar. i hate candid!hehe
The O-Group with CDM Sha Khalid, an ex engineer at IBM. kecik-kecik cili api. she drives a Mercc-C class. kecik, but drives a big car.
Me, right after the class. Lega.
Overall, being a Glampreneur, makes me realized how important to balance both life and the preparation for our afterlife. alhamdulillah. we are on the right track.
You can have a read at hanis haizi's blog when she talked about Tips Murah rezeki. CLICK HERE

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