
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak


Morning all!

Today marked the 22nd day of Ramadhan. Cepat kan time flies..

Anyway, people usually relates Ramadhan and fasting for not being productive enough. all the yada yada excuses on being tired, sleepy and exhausted during this month. Little they know that this month is a month full of blessings, full of barakah, rezeki dan nikmat from our Creator.

Betapa rugi nya those people for not taking full opportunity from this month

Ramadhan bulan berkat

The more i relate this month to daily life and business, the more i see the benefits.

and Alhamdulillah. this month i have met more new business partners and distributors. With the closing of July yesterday, marked my new chapter. new responsibility. new representatives on different region, different background, even different gender.

Now, my group expanded to more than 1 region; ie Klang Valley. we have representatives from Kedah, specifically Sungai Petani; from Negeri Sembilan, specifically Senawang, Seremban, Nilai & Jelebu; from Johor; and many others.
We had iftar together at GLAM before class. Iftar, jemaah Maghrib, Isya' and Terawih. Feel so lucky and blessed under this group because both duniawi and akhirat are balanced

A few of my biz partners during the GLAM Iftar held at JW Marriot
Glam iftar JW marriot kl
 The Men in GLAM together with our mastermind CDM Razali Zain. Who said this business is for ladies only?
Us, The Diamond Circle along with the GLAM founder CDM Hanis Haizi

Looking back, the hard work and patience did pay off.

Being in this business has taught me a lot.
and patience is one of it.
Leadership when you come to it.
Hardwork definitely.

i'm looking forward for more representatives from other region.

and if you are one of them, contact me.

Time waits for no one.

Lets start the journey together.

The Glampreneur
The Diamond Circle
Pink Diamond


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