
Monday, June 10, 2013

Reasons to start your GLAM business

Inspired by my leader's post this afternoon : 10 reasons why we need to start a GLAM business. 

1. Savings 

Reason top no ONE! Numero uno.
Most of us do have savings, but usually asek kena korek jeik. bile nak pegi jalan2, korek..or sometimes nak balik kampung pun kena korek.
Most of us in GLAM top priority reason doing biz is saving. if we look around, with a salary of RM3,000 in KL can be categorized as miskin.. oppss! sedey kan? bcoz mmg tak cukup. just imagine later2 nanti anak2 kite nak start keje after you think that time their starting salary would be 5 figures? i dont think so...
Dengan buat biz ni la kite dapat la buat saving here and there. ASB, tabung haji, public mutual.. dengan biz ni starting salary je dah cecah 4 angka, rmx,xxx. makin buat, makin tinggi income tu. especially bile kite buat consistently. boleh cecah 5 angka after 1 year ++. kalau keje, erm.. dah naik manager kot baru boleh achieve. tu pun kalau manager kite promotekan kite ganti tempat dia.. kalau tak....hmmm...8 tahun pun x bley achieve that figure (talking about myself la ni.. nama je engineer / executive...)
Ada orang cakap, kite kena bersyukur. yes, mmg bersyukur sbb ramai lagi kat luar sana yg lebih rendah gajinya. tapi tu tak menghalang utk kite usaha lebih untuk upgrade diri. even in Islam says that we have to make effort, usaha dulu, tawakal dan doa kemudian.

2. Nak settle hutang yang keliling pinggang 

hmm sape yg takde hutang kan? nak beli kereta, hutang. beli rumah hutang. nak kawin, hutang. nak beli fridge pun company plak offered bile raya, boleh buat pinjaman, hutang lagi..macam2 la jenis hutang ni..

makin lama, makin byk hutang kite. tapi gaji mcm tu jugak kan? commitment tak penah kurang.. makin bertambah. everyone pun nak rumah, hidup selesa, lengkap serba serbi.. and this is when we need to find alternative to get side income. and somehow, this side income will turn to main income sebab it is more than our main job's salary now.

Ramai yg cakap, tunggu la buat biz bile hutang ni abih bayar.. tapi sebenarnye mmg takkan habis bayar, kite dah terpaksa buat hutang lain plak.. and salary tak naik2 pun. klu naik pun 3% jeik setahun. is it enuff? nanti commitment pun dah maximum, definitely tak boleh gerak ke mana2. i have an acquaintance, muda lagi, baru 25 y.o. Baru keje dlm 2 tahun.. tp dah full loan, dah max commitment. baru ade satu kete, satu credit card and satu personal loan. tak boleh beli rumah dah. this is the time when kite rasa "selesa" untuk kite mulakan bisnes.. jgn tunggu sampai betul2 sesak.

3. Credit Card payment 

ni my friend cakap : hutnag berhantu. dah habis bayar, datang balik. penuh balik, max balik.. isi minyak kete je pun.. pastu gi shop groceries kat tesco.. dah max.. aisey.. 

4. To get married / engaged 

like i mention in no 2, nak kawin pun buat loan.
sebabnye sekarang belanja utk kawin, mmg tinggi. my budget dulu 5 years back yg paling minimum pun boleh reach RM40k. tu takde la gempak2 mana pun.. biasa2 jeik..kalu yg buat gempak2 tu ade sampai RM100k++ Boleh la dapat sebijik caldina..ehehe. photography pun bleh reach rm10k. belum lagi hantaran yg canggih2..(zmn dulu sony ericson w910 pun dah kira gempak)
Eh eh sentimental plaks..hehe (Selingan)
tu yang ade one of GLAMpreneurs kawin dgn hasil duit business. and now after 2 years, dah bebas hutang and smooth sailing since biz pun makin progressing. sangat kagum dgn semangat dia.

5. Shopping

Shopping like Hanis Haizi? sape yg x suka kan? skali masuk Chanel boutique, bawa kuar a few bags. 

You can view her addiction here : CLICK HERE
Buat biz ni la dpt extra..extra income to overcome our needs to shop. one of Stress therapy tau!!
tapi mcm level i yg baru berbusiness ni, gi shopping kat Bandung je la..hehehe.. and since this year is the third time we went there, dah boleh budget la FO mana yg best.
Kat kedai perfume pun dah shopping bangat!
This one i think at The Secret Factory outlet
Ni dekat The Heritage. sangat besar, sangat puas hati!!
At Donatello, paling banyak shopping kasut
Damage for one day..hukhuk!

6. Down-payment kereta or rumah

Kereta? mcm i baru start keje dulu bleh mampu beli kancil jeik. and i cant even change it til recently.. almost 8 years tau. bsabar je bile hari2 kena buli di jalan raya. intention to change mmg ade..tapi sabar je sbb economy tak berapa nak stable.. plus dgn nak beli rumah lagi..
Alhamdulillah. my recent new car..
ha..yes, lagi satu rumah.. downpayment satu hal.. monthly payment pun ye gak. i still recalled, i bought my house in 2008, and when i checked the same house, different phase, it has increased its price to extra RM200k++. bayangkan anak2 kite nanti nak beli rumah mcmn..

Downpayment rumah plak, to those yg baru start keje.. mana nak cekau at least RM30k? masa i dulu, ade la extra kwsp, tu pun still kena topup dari duit saving gak. korek lagi saving**

7. To give MORE to our parents

Not much to say. just imagine if you give a 4 figures monthly allowance to them.
My next aim.


8. College fees

Yup! for our kids. kiddos nowadays sangat2 pandai. I was lucky to get scholarship from government. imagine kalau kena bayar PTPTN lagi..
gaji monthly dah la sikit, kena la plak tolak PTPTN..
so think further.. pikey jauh utk anak2. 
ade org cakap, asek kumpul duit je, bukan boleh bawa ke kubur. yes, true. "tapi duit tu boleh bagi kat anak2 time kite dh masuk kubur" a friend said before. funny, yet true.

9. Emergency

Anything can be categorized as EMERGENCY. yg paling famous is car breakdown. at least another rm1k, kan? this is when the savings for..korek lagi..lalalala
other than that such as rumah rosak/atap bocor, tv rosak (nak tv baru), handphone hilang (kena curi), and many other things that can be categorized as emergency.

10. Persiapan Hari Raya

Raya tak lama lagi.. tinggal bulan june (half a month), July..then aug dah raya kan? all needed money, new baju raya, trip balik kampung;toll, gas; duit raya nak bagi parents, anak buah, cousins, makcik2 pakcik2, if harapkan duit gaji yg every month just enough...mana nak cari extra?

Zaman muda2.. our second raya as husband & wife, our first raya as parents

This is when we launch a new project called : Project Duit Raya. 
From this month, starting you can get RM3,000 bonus (not counted sales value), added with sales value, untung runcit and all.. lagi banyak. we can get up to RM7,000 extra with this business.
it's a lot right?

So now, what you need to do to overcome all these 10 reasons?

contact me
let me show you how to make extra money, especially for duit raya.

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