
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PROTON Sukan Antara Jabatan 2013

Last Sunday, 16th June 2013, Proton held Final event for Sukan Antara Jabatan 2013.
As early as 7:45 am i arrived for the netball game at Matsushita Stadium,
It's just me and the pole..hahaha
The final practice (if you wanna know, we had 2 times practice.. so understood la kan stamina we ol macamana during the game.. )

In the afternoon, i'd to stay back for the Perbarisan event. Me in Corporate team for the first time, after i think 4 times being with Proton Casting Department. Still, the pose as the Sepanduk Girl, the feeling wasn't the same. Last time in Casting we had 2 girls in overall 60 participants. But this time around there were 9 of us girls, the rest of the team was guys. 
The theme? Retro!! sempena Father's Day, we performed the Daddy Cool song along with our aerobic dance. It was fun!! seriously!!
While preparing the sepanduk
Azli Senario was the judge for the Karaoke competition.
During the preparation. from left Marina, Adibah and me
While they were arranging the position
Posing lagi
Nervous but excited
Us, the perbarisan team for Corporate with our HR Director, En Wan Roslan. Sporting, tunjuk langit, our retro remark
Makeup dah cair dah by this time...
I forgot to bring along my sunglasses. Our team member, i believe cilok from his wife and gave to me. pinjam sat! besar tak?? separuh muka!

Me, the Sepanduk girl

The marching band performance
penat standing up.. duduk sat
My husband, taking the presents for all Casting Department. Bowling, futsal, dart..
Yesza!! we won! No One! Johan Perbarisan

It was so fun hanging out with them

Overall Sport? We've got No 3 for Sukan Antara Jabatan 2013. Not bad right?
Try again next year for Johan ;)

Going back home, sunburned but satisfied :)

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