
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jakarta - Bandung Trip : Taman Safari Bogor, Indonesia Review Part 1

I love to visit this Taman Safari at Bogor, Indonesia.
It worth every penny you spent (in this case, Rupiah) and every minutes or hours spent!
Seriously worth it!
you can read my review on day 1 and day 2 HERE

This entry is going to be FULL of pictures!
Kereta Gantung = cable car ye kawan2
The theme park. tak sempat pun pegi.
One day i wish to go to Night Safari. i bet its gonna be fun!
The baby zoo. all babies animals placed here for close monitoring
The babies (or not so baby)
the kangaroo. tak sabar nanti nak pegi ausie to play with kangaroo.. eh chop, gold coast ade kangaroo ke?
Our next free trip will be Gold Coast, Australia!
The babies for lion should be called cubs ker? tiba2 tak ingt plak
All cubs melepak2 layan diri :)
Then we arrived at the station where you can take picture with these animals.
It only cost you Rp50,000! murah kan? approx RM17.00
Now waiting to take pictures with this handsome white tiger. luckily the guardian bagi susu siap2. kasi kenyang. kang lapar2 kang, makan kitorg plak! ngerissss
My bro first in line. The guardian taught what to do.
safari bogor indonesia
And here it is. the handsome white tiger
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
White tiger posed lain plak. Berani kan my bro?
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
Next my youngest sis. pura2 tak takut la tu.. sebenarnya i know that she was scared
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
Cool Cool cool!! for picture sake.
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
and suddenly the tiger changed head position... towards me.. naik bulu roma dah masa ni
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
and me.. terus bangun mcm nak lari! scarry!!!! as i am writing right now, i feel the nerves runs through.
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
Now, look at my dad. memang tak takut langsung!
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
Look at the tiger!! It opened its mouth and started licking my dad's hand. if it happens to me, sumpah melompat super duper laju nyer
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
Tengok! bermanja2
white tiger safari bogor indonesia
and now, sleeping
now next animal, LION!
Cool pose!!
Mcm tido je dia..
careful!! dia dah penat tu..
Lion : ape2 je la...
amboi, a big one!!
She's sleepy already
Big white LION!
kasih ayah
Kasih ayah.. share sket biscuit..
safari bogor indonesia
what are you looking at??
Just look at the soft toys!! penuh! we ol jalan laju2 sebab tak nak kanak-kanak riang nampak! hihi
taman safari bogor indonesia
Looks like disneyworld!
We are happy family!
Tengok hanie tak habis2 mengunyah..hihi
safari bogor indonesia
Love Snow white
Me, over excited
Dad with toys
Erk, rumah hantu?? in 3D??
We dare....
We dare not coming in, just take pictures..hihi
eh cik abang, tak nampak the instruction? Dilarang duduki di sini!
Weeee! im tired, sleeping and hungry. sebab tu tak habis lagi makan biskut dari tadi.
i dont know what house / ride this is.. everything looks so scary
Taking a break
The look on the red scary
That's for now.
Part 2 will be "menyusur" soonest possible.


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