
Monday, May 13, 2013

Private Hi Tea Jovian Mandagie

To fulfill the teaser i made in previous entry (click here)

GLAMpreneurs were invited by Hanis Haizi, the founder to a very very special event, private hi tea with Jovian Mandagie, the famous and talented world renowned designer. As you all know, Jovian has just launched his new collection of JHijab last month. but since most of us were fighting and really busy for the Shanghai Package, we didnt have the chance to go. Since hanis knows Jovian really well, she called up and arranged for the special event.
jovian mandagie butik

jovian mandagie butik
The announcement made by Jovian in his instagram

jovian mandagie butik
Breakfast before we went to the boutique
jovian mandagie butik
Convoy together with my leader, Shaliza Aziz
jovian mandagie butik
In front of the Jovian Mandagie's boutique
jovian mandagie butik
jovian mandagie butik
We were getting a very special treatment by Jovian and his team
jovian mandagie butik
Jovian's new collection of jHijab
jovian mandagie butik
Me, selecting the new raya design.
jovian mandagie butik
Jovian Mandagie and me
The talented designer and very friendly.
jovian mandagie butik
He showed us how to wear the jHijab
jovian mandagie butik
jovian mandagie butik
jovian mandagie butik
jovian mandagie butik
jovian mandagie butik
jovian mandagie butik
You can view more on jHijab :
Click here
jovian mandagie butik
The Reception
jovian mandagie butik
jovian mandagie butik
Terus la submit order, okay!
jovian mandagie butik
At payment counter
jovian mandagie butik
With the most helpful assistant, Amee.
Thanks dear for your assistance.
jovian mandagie butik
Posed sket next to the 5 digit worth of dress
jovian mandagie butik
Our beloved leader, GLAM founder, both Hanis Haizi and husband Razali Zain
(sangat2 fun tengok both of them. very loving. seronoknye kalau later in the business, do it with husband. we can have the whole time together and still making crazy money)
jovian mandagie butik
The collections
jovian mandagie butik
Designers dresses. sangat cantek okay!
jovian mandagie butik
Lagi baju yg super cantek. 
jovian mandagie butik
with one of the very very classy dress
jovian mandagie butik
Hover sket amik gambar ye.. with one of the youngest successful GLAMpreneur, yong. Baru 25 tahun, but now income ribu riban :)
jovian mandagie butik hanis haizi
With the most talented, responsible leader, Hanis Haizi. a special thanks to her for the arrangement of this private hi tea. without her, none of us would be able to get such a special treatment like this.
jovian mandagie butik
The most dedicated business partner, Afizah. She will be one of the top GLAMpreneurs one day. insyaAllah!
jovian mandagie butik
Hanis and Afizah
jovian mandagie butik jhomme
Men, dont worry. Jovian also provides designer shirts for ya, under the name of JHomme
jovian mandagie butik jhomme
All already sold out if you try to look at the fashion valet.
We've got to pre-order it during that time. 
jovian mandagie butik jhomme
Unique kan design dia?
jovian mandagie butik jhomme
and u wont get it anywhere outside
jovian mandagie butik jhomme
and of course i bought one for my lovely husband. as a thank you gift for his support throughout my business.
jovian mandagie butik
kasut pun canteeekk!!
jovian mandagie butik fafau
This is the special one.  This dress has been worn by Farah Fauzana aka fafau during the ABPBH
jovian mandagie butik  fafau
Me and leader yg sangat mengambil berat on her partners, Shaliza Aziz.
Amik aura sket. The dress was so special that it is very detailed in the beads
jovian mandagie butik
Us, the GLAMpreneur with our leader, Hanis Haizi
jovian mandagie butik
Muka very satisfied tu dapat beli baju kat jovian mandagie's boutique
jovian mandagie butik
Slalu cari kat online, mesti habis.. or no size. now i can custom order to my need. Sukeeerr!!!
jovian mandagie butik
Ni lagi sorang yg kegembiraan, kan fiza?

jovian mandagie butik jhijab
Tunjuk sket the jHijab that i bought
jovian mandagie butik jhijab
Purple with the blingbling showed J Jovian
jovian mandagie butik jhijab
the material is so soft and the design is sophisticated.
I was so glad to be in GLAM.
We had so many chance to explore in business and also in pleasure.
Cant wait for the next GLAD (Green Leaders Activity Days)
and our shopping 5-star treatment Trip to SHANGHAI!!!

Anyone of you who are wondering, book ur appointment with me. 
Let me share with you the way to freedom.
and happiness


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