
Monday, April 8, 2013

The GLAMpreneur Photoshoot

As i mentioned in previous post, i had been invited to join a photoshoot along with my leader, Sha Khalid and Shaliza Aziz.
I am so excited since the photoshoot will be done by the talented Hafiz Atan 
and make up by Make Up Artist Chika
Chika has done make up for Dina, Rozita Che Wan, and many other celebrities, including our beloved Hanis Haizi.

Now, lets enjoy the pix during the photoshoot last Saturday.
It was held at FM Clique Studio, Laman Seri Section 13, Shah Alam
Looking out from the studio, rumah mewah2.. aish...terpesona sebentar
This is me, as face nude as i can be. my husband ckp, jgn bazir2 make up. nanti kan nak make up.. so i just applied compact powder on my face jeik..
Korean look alike studio. Bile duduk dlm ni, terasa ala korean model la plak.hahaha...bleh tak perasan hover!
My Make up Artist's gadjet. Byk you!

The FM Clique Frame, terpampang outside of the studio
This is me after the make up, by so famous and humble Make Up Artist, Chika!
Thanks so much Chika for the vogue the vas make over.
The first shoot : Individual shoot.
Si Hafiz Atan dok cakap, cuba buat posed mcm Dayang Nurfaizah kat tepi dinding tu. and i was like, Dayang Nurfaizah? hehehe
"Close your eyes. bayangkan yg indah. then bukak mata" oh mcm tu ke model2 dlm American Next Top Model slalu buat kot..haha pressure2. org kayu nk bergambar ala model la katakan..
Now, the next Malaysian Model in the making.ahakks
Me and my beloved leader, Shaliza Aziz.
She was the one who took my hand and showed me the way to success.
Love you to bits, babe!
This one ala Cindy Crawford ;)
Iera, an ex housewife, now becoming a very successful businesswoman. Very young mom at the age of 25 with a daughter of 5 years old. cayalah! In our group, ramai yg datang dr pelbagai latar blkang and berjaya. poko pangkalnye, semangat utk berjuang kena ade. usaha then tawakal. insyaAllah
Chika's touch! Love It!!!

Buat muka len sket. terbeliak.ahahah
now, Hafiz Atan's turn jadi model! haha.. no, they are adjusting the lighting for the next shoot.
The group shot plak. Three of us.
Me with an ex-engineer of IBM. Now a leader with 5-6 figures income.
with both dedicated leader, Shaliza Aziz & Sha Khalid
Sha Khalid, touch up before the shooting
Me, pix credit to Chika
Shaliza Aziz and biz partners from all over Malaysia.
Us, ex-schoolmates, MRSM Jasin year 1998/1999
Now become really close.
Though we comes from different background, we have the same hopes and dreams.
Time and Money Freedom

In GLAM, we can be more than we expected.
We can be successful with guidances from our leaders. They only want us to be successful.
There's nothing impossible
You just have to grab the chances offered to you and you'll become something that you never know you'll be.

If you want to be part of my team, contact me.
I'll share you how to become successful.
you decide.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks babe for giving me the chance to bring you into the business .. Soon we gonna achieve all our dream together :) cant wait for that moment ..
