
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Business Opportunity Life Changing Moments

I'm back!!
After blogger been temporarily blocked by beloved company, now, im back with updates!

This month is the last month for Shanghai Free Trip.
you can still qualify for the trip, and we will travel together some time in Sept this year.
Sejuk tau time tu. mesti best
How to qualify?
Contact me for details.

This month will be full with business appointments and photoshoot sessions.

This Saturday, a photoshoot session will be held with my dedicated leader, Sha Khalid and Shaliza Aziz.
We're gonna shoot with the famous Hafiz Atan, who has done many shoots, the one highlighted was for Awal Ashaari & Scha wedding (you can read it here : Awal&Scha)
And the make up by make up artist, Chika, who has done make up for many celebrities including Rozita Che wan.

Tomorrow, I'll conduct a special one-to-one GLOW (Green Leaders Orientation Workshop) with my new business partner, Lina Saat (you can find her here)
She works at UiTM as IT expert and is my neighbor. She has just given birth to her 2nd son and looking for side income to have an extraordinary life, savings for kids and able to travel for FREE three times yearly.

I'll be having another GLOW session with another new partner, Fadzilah Asmuin (you can find her here)
She's currently pregnant with her 2nd baby. Obviously a very dedicated and motivated person herself. juggling time between work and as a mom. Now looking for time freedom and definitely Money freedom.

Later next week, my group will be having a small photoshoot for my new partners.

Anyone of you, you are invited to join my group
We can change our life by doing this business
and no one ever thought that it would be very easy and simple
but we can get bonus up to 6 figures income monthly!

Contact me and i will share with you the opportunity of life changing moments.


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