
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Go CDM Program 2013

I had an opportunity to attend a seminar called "Go CDM Program" held at Sunway Resort and Spa on the 16th February 2013.
The Seminar Hall
The Agenda.
The speaker was Mr Winston Wong. Previously  he was a former President of MBF Holding Sdn Bhd.
From corporate world to Multi Level Marketing! There must be something.
Me before the seminar starts
The Jasinians reunited. We were from the same school, MRSM Jasin years ago.
From left, my dedicated leader, Shaliza Aziz; urs truly; Ain my wing mate in the hostel & Maria, engineer from Kulim.
Mr Winston Wong started with his background in his Corporate world before.
He is now full satisfied that he can help others achieving dreams, it is more of the fulfillment.
I recall he said that during in his corporate world, he never care if he needs to retrench anyone, bcoz if didnt, he'll be out of the company. But now, he is more than a helping hand. in this MLM system, everyone can achieve. when u help your partners, not only he achieve success, but you also get the benefit from it. That's why he left his corporate world.
Why Network marketing or MLM is always misunderstood? He told the history of the spammers and skim cepat kaya in Malaysia. Now there's act in Malaysia to protect the business. You have to qualify those criteria then only the company will be certified. 1993 Direct Selling Act which later revised in 2010.
This act reduced the total company in Malaysia from 1,400 to 500 companies. To be a legitimate companies in Malaysia, you need to have a paid-up capital of RM2.5 mil.
I am lucky to be in Hai-O because it has been established for more than 20 years in Malaysia, even listed in first board BSKL.
Malaysia ranked number 5 in the MLM industry.
In Conventional Market : From Factory all the way to us, consumer.. Look at the "orang tengah" all the way making "untung atas angin"
In NEtwork Marketing, Not only we supply, but we also the consumer. Mr Winston summarized as "Prosumer" - making profit by being customer
Before we went off for lunch, Mr Winston left us a quote :
"Normal People make Normal Money,
We are crazy people.
Only Crazy people, make crazyy money!"
Lucnh we had was superb!! This is actually the first time i ever tasted a great and delicious food from hotel. Bravo to Sunway Resort and Spa. Quail, squid, yummy shrimp salad and a lot of deserts. Next time nak pegi just have lunch at this hotel la..
Partial of our team
urs truly, posed while waiting for the seminar to start after lunch break
The dedicated leader, Shaliza Aziz, less than 2 years in business, get the opportunity to travel to multiple countries, Holand, Belgium, Guangzhou, Vietnam and tomorrow to Paris & London! Having to drive a BMW, having a luxury of 5 figures income..will becoming to 6 figures income in no time. 
with CDM Maizarah, another dedicated mother and ex engineer.
The one who makes this whole seminar and GLAM Academy comes true. Our beloved CDM Hanis Haizi. young and successful! makin 6 figures income, starting from zero as a housewife.
We were thought how to manage our time
The Overall system
How to be successful
My Teabreak. look at the size of the shrimp! mmg best

Another quote that really grabbed my heart, by Nicole Cary.
Yes, it offers a lot. Make your move, of you'll be left out.
This has totally changed my perspective towards MLM.

Have the RIGHT mind. Positive Attitude. You can do it attitude. InsyaAllah.. you;ll be successful with the effort.

True, Fear does limit us. Takut nak mula, takut gagal, takut tak jadi.. but we dont start, how do we know? plus, all the bukti and proofs are there. if dia boleh brjaya, why cant we?

It hits me! Yes, we dont want to be pesara yan DEAD Broke. we want to be the 1% wealthy people. so that we can live peacefully, provides the comfort to our kids, perform Haj multiple times.. 
Now we have vision. Great company and organization, Hai-O and GLAM. We have a perfect system, along with lots of programs and activities. We will success!
Our CDM Sha Khalid. very helpful in guiding me. Now a full time business woman, entrepreneur, no longer engineer at IBM.

Man in Business

A very dedicated person, Yong, from no one, living at kampung, being very typical kampung girl, now moving to be a successful entrepreneur. Her commitment is always on top of the world. amazing girl!

Our group with Hanis Haizi

Our big happy family

Earlier, our GM Mr Teo from Hai O berbesar hati merasmikan majlis.
Reunited after one whole day seminar, Ms Nur Adriana Lissa Maisarah
The cheeky Ms Nur Aireena Hanie Myazara
The handsome guy, Mr Rosman
From this seminar, we get booster and the perspective towards the MLM industry changed! The MLM has become a professional choice for those who wants TIME and FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
We have a stable company for our long term career path, a great bonus 4 to 6 figures monthly, a FREE 5 stars trip 3 times per year, a car fund to achieve your dream car and a full team members committed and positive friends.
what more can you ask for?

Contact me for sharing session
FREE TRIP to Shanghai is still open for grabs.

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