
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cameron Highland Trip 2013

Before im stucked with work, lets upload a lil pictures of us during our 3D2N trip to Cameron Highland last weekend.
We spent about 3 days and 2 nights in the highland
It was sooo cold this time around since it rained a lil bit..creating mist almost everywhere. 
The wind was very very cold that we were so surprised since last visit last year, exactly in February, Cameron Highland wasnt that cold.

Just arrived, Lissa no where to be found in the picture.
She refused to take pic the whole trip!!
At hotel lobby. Nice
suka gambar red alert ni

The same location, same arrangement, different time

Lissa tiba2 nak plak amik gambar. sbb dok dlm buaian kot
Group Picture!
I love princess!
Sesi berbaik2 sesama adik beradik
Note : After this pix, Hanie lencun main air!

Gaya ala hindustan..phewiitt
My own snap. Cantik kan?

Mari berdansa..lalalala
The satisfactory moment!! strawberry yummy!
I am good girl. jgn denda saya berdiri kat tiang!

Eh over plak org kat blakang tu kesejukan dlm bilik
Sejukla mama!
Walk hand by hand. so cute!

Baby Gap model - sebenarnye sbb malu tersalah masuk bilik.haha

Love this pic!!
Posed gedik sket..hehe
Gambar Penutup - Model Jam Tangan!
This trip was dedicated to my sister and her hubby - newly wed. Sponsored by us, partially because this jam tangan model sibuk nak bayar itu ini...This is ala honeymoon beramai2 ler ni..haha.
Actually byk lagi gambar utk di upload.. i'll try to do the 2nd episode of this trip.
Anyway we did enjoy the trip..hopefully both newlywed felt the same way.
Next trip to Genting scheduled next month, okay!


  1. Lamanya tak pegi Cameron!

    Sape yg honeymoon ni Airin? I tgk u and ur hubby yg mcm newlyweds *wink*...hihihi, mana tau pasni the princesses nk dpt adik plak kan..hehe :D

  2. Nad,
    We make it a must go vacation every year..heheh
    kalu tak pegi tu, rs something not complete for that year.hehehe
    u shud go. bring the twinnies. mesti diorg suka makan strawberry

    eh2.. termalu plak!! saje je nak dpt aura honeymoon my sister. huhu. opps! dah secured yer for at least 4 years ;) hahaha
