
Friday, December 21, 2012

What is Multi Media Marketing (MLM)?

Everyone is asking me this. What is MLM? Why people said bad stuff about it?
I stumbled into this good article. 
He is a simple guy who previously stucked in real estate investor. He had worked in corporate America and just hated the idea of working year after year for someone else without building equity into something he actually owned so he wanted to own his own business. The only problem was he didn’t have a ton of money to rent commercial space and he certainly didn’t know what he would even do for a business.
So the idea of MLM is you can start your own business, working from home, without a huge upfront cost and the company will help you achieve success.

Extracted from his page : (click here)

What is MLM?MLM is Multi Level Marketing and it was a way for someone to start their own home based business to create additional income without having a lot of start up money. This is true for our business. small capital money.
Good marketing should NOT be what something is but rather what it does. MLM is a way for you to have your own home based business without paying for product research, buying a ton of inventory, dealing with expensive software, paying a huge franchise fee, worrying about employees, or being stuck with trying to figure out your own marketing plan. Yes, you have a good product. A Free Lifetime warranty product. A superbrand.

How MLM is Different Than a Standard Small Business

The biggest problem of a standard small business is the business usually ends up owning you, not the other way around. Meaning, you leave corporate America to start your own business and trade working 9-5 for working 9-9. On top of that, small businesses require a lot of capital usually and usually owners are stuck in the doing and away from the marketing and locating new customers, which, is a formula for disaster.
With multi level marketing you don’t have to worry about the doing, ALL you have to work on IS the marketing and locating new customers. The company handles the shipping, customer support, product research and development and all YOU have to do is get the word out.
And the best part is, you have someone (your upline) dedicated to helping you learn how best to get the word out. This too is different than a standard small business in that you usually cannot find simple support to help you market your business. Correct! Our Hanis Haizi always there to support and guide us. The Green Leader Academy Malaysia has been established for our discussion. and it is all FOC

There you go.

Small capital.
Less Effort.
Existing and well established products.
BIG Bonus.
Free 5-stars Trips (3 times a year)
Great Award.
More Time with family :)

As long as it is syariah compliance. Halal. why not we have a try?

People who refuse to struggle in the early year (tak lama pun, 2 years max) and then failed,  claimed this business is wrong because he/she didnt get the RICH factor, is a FAIlure himself.

People who make time in the early year, and achieve success after success, is people who we should follow. 

After all, i want to ditch this 8-6 work, spend more time with family and get the freedom of money and time.
Our rebate is ending soon.
Do contact me for business plan sharing.

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