
Friday, December 14, 2012

About Me : Graduation Day 2005

I stumbled into a few pictures during my graduation... years ago! terasa baru jeik, tp dah 7 years + dah pun
I graduated from Purdue University in Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering in Summer 2005. The weather was very very nice. luckily I didnt graduate end of Fall. Confirm ketaq lutut, merah hidung, berbalut2 bagai..the temperature can go down as low as minus 20 degree Celcius during winter.
My parents came to my campus 2 weeks earlier. They stayed in the States for almost 1 month and I managed to get them tour all over US.. we managed to go to Chicago (which was very near to my school, a 3-hr drive), then we drove off to Buffalo to witness the beauty of Niagara Falls (near? ahemm 9 hour drive, okay!), then to New York (another 8 hr drive) then to Washington DC (anoth 3 hr drive), back to West Lafayette, Indiana through Maryland (almost 11 hr drive). That was the East coast tour. After my graduation, we fly to LA for a West coast tour. Hollywood, then to San Francisco (nice cool weather), to Yosemite National Park (Soooo beautiful!!), to Las Vegas (imagine going to vegas with parents! hehe.. of course the nights out without parents, ok!), to Grand Canyon (also very very nice....!!!) then back to LA to enjoy Hollywood scenery..
Since all of the pictures were in the hard copy format.. it was quite difficult and frustrating to see the quality when i scanned it. When i look at it, the picture mcm dah masuk Instagram program. hahaha.. takde maknanye. This is the original version, okay!
Never mind then. I will try my best to find more pix with better scanner resolutions :)
Anyway, enjoy pix from my graduation day of Summer 2005
Sempat jugak my dad snapped picture yg kat atas pentas tu..hehehe
Agak bersungguh la kan pakai baju kurung songket..haha.. all those girls are wearing gowns :)
Mudanye my dad..
Oh, buruknye and skemanye diriku ini.. sib bek gambar tak clear sgt..hahaha

The Purdue Fountain..
I still remember people telling ghost story about this fountain.. malam2 je ade "bende" lepak kat situ.. Scray kan?

Me, very nerd mode..wahahaha
Next, i will try to scan more pictures.. tapi agak kecewa la seeing on the quality.. aiyayayaya


  1. Airin...teringt kat purdue jugak ni......

  2. Airin...teringt kat purdue jugak ni......

  3. Kan bi.. Rindu la plak...especially mad mushroom pizza..dgn union vege burger..dgn cheesy fries....yummy nyee(eh sume food je.haha)

  4. rindu jugak kat purdue...sob2...tak tau pulak fountain tu ada something...rindu bau brownstone, rindu walmart, rindu factory outlet...belaja tak rindu hehehe

  5. betul zaf.. lelebih lagi factory outlet..huhu
    takde maknanye nak rindu blajar..hahaha
    oh, mmg diorg suke cite scary story psl fountain tu tau.. tp best jeik lepak situ mlm2 sbb lampu tukar kaler2..hehe

  6. nice pic airin..:) ur parents must be really2 proud of u..
