
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A G.R.E.A.T Combo

What do you want to achieve?

Combo A : To have healthier, slimmer body 

Premium Beautiful + Lactolite

Premium Beautiful to :
*Beautify and control our body shape

Lactolite to :

* Menyingkirkan toksin badan
* Menggalakkan metabolism
* Mengurangkan beban badan
* Menggalakkan pertumbuhan bakteria baik
* Membantu dalam penghadaman
* Membantu melegakan sembelit
* Membantu sintesis vitamin
and many more. read HERE

Combo B : To have healthier, slimmer body + healthy on the inside (female reproduction system)

Premium Beautiful + Maharani

Premium Beautiful to :
Ensure our uterus in correct position(membetulkan kedudukan rahim)
Memanaskan rahim dgn FIR
Stabilized period sequence

While Maharani to :
1. Ia akan menyelesaikan masalah haid tidak teratur.
2. Menyelesaikan masalah senggugut, keputihan dan kekuningan.
3. Anti bakteria (sekitar faraj)
4. Melegakan sakit pinggang, sendi dan lutut.
5. Melegakan migrain dan angin dalam badan.
6. Menguatkan hati dan buah pinggang.
7. Menguatkan rahim
and many more : read HERE

Combo C : To have healthier, slimmer body + Smooth and youth skin

Premium Beautiful + BB Plus Collagen

Premium Beautiful to :
*For healthier body

While BB Plus Collagen to :
1. Radiant & Brighter complexion 
2. Improves skin firmness and elasticity
3. Promotes smoothness and suppleness
4. Improves moisture content of skin
5. Reduces visibility of fine lines and wrinkles
6. Promotes healing & repair
7. Reduces effect from sun damage
read HERE

Promotion ended by December 2012. Hurry up! Gift waiting for you:

1 bottle of PB Wash (which will last up to 3 months!)

Choose your combo now. special price with flexible pays will be offered.

For more details, you can email/call./pm me at

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