
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lissa and Makcik

The title makcik wasnt refering to any of her aunties, okay. so Mak Ngah, Mak Teh and Mak Su can relax. jgn perasan..hehe

I dont know where she learned this, but lately she keeps on saying "Makcik" in every words.
Saying to Hanie : "Eh, jangan macam tu lah Makcik"
Saying to me : "Kakak nak susu lah, makcik"
Saying to her Abah : "Makcik! tanaklah!"
I know those words uttered by her as a way of her joking about it.. but lately it was too much, til one day i make my point to her not to say any "makcik" word.
and she agreed.
Now she changes "makcik" to...."nenek"!

Mode : Geraaammm!
tunjuk muka comel plak
kanak2 kegembiraan dapat baloon sorang satu

Lissa : mcm ni lah Hanie, makcik!

Masing2 pura2 baik dlm kereta

Click this and here and there and all over!