
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eat Out : Windmill Restaurant

Last weekend we headed out to one of the restaurant in my wish-to-go list, Windmill. You can surf their menu here.
The restaurant located inside the Shah Alam Mall, Section 9. The setting inside the restaurant was amazing, great for a fine dine experience, but, not very suitable for us, which include these two lil rascals!
Hanie : wuuuuu
Lissa : budget Malaysian next top Model
Hanie : still with her "wuuu"
Kakak : tak dok diam dah

Hanie : eh, tak abih lagi wuuu

Silalah lihat tahap keaktifan kanak-kanak ini..Anda dinasihatkan untuk menjauhkan diri anda untuk mengelakkan sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini

Ok, now a lil bit behave
Opps.. layan kanak-kanak ribena ni, sampai terlupa nak upload gambar food ye.. ok, ni kawan2, my food is the Tiger prawn with butter cheese sauce and fish fillet with blackpepper sauce and salad and fries.. (byk tak "and"?) ..and.. this dish was a dinner set, so i got the appetizer of soup, along with tea/coffee and to complete it, an ice-cream which made these two girls more and more energetic!!
Mr hubby? Of course with a Malaysian's choice, a seafood tomyam, which tasted quite delicious and also spicy! His definitely fav food. (opps.. dah habis dish, baru teringat nak amik gambar)
My recommendation : Yes, you can plan to have some quiet evening, nice dinner with your loved one (adult ye), but not really suitable if you have kids trying to get off their baby chairs and trying to run around like in a playground.


  1. how was the taste.. ok tak?
    ade tak kat tempat lain airin?

  2. Bibi,
    not so bad. not really that tasty, sbb bila dh mkn lama2 bleh rs muak sket la. standard western, klu byk cheese here and there mcm muak sket la. but the tiger prawn mmg fresh. isi kenyal2.
    fish fillet, tak fresh sgt..sedap lg kot mkn kat kopitiam nyer fish and chips..hehe
    overall, i give 3 stars out of 5. but anyway, that's my opinion (or maybe different dish, different level of tastiness). u shud try and give ur review.
    not sure la ade kat mana lagi. rsnye mcm penah nampak kat OU ke the curve..?hehehe

  3. never been to this restaurant. thank you for the review dear, good tips for us! :)

  4. Nad, u shud try this restaurant and later can write a review about it too :-)
