
Friday, September 14, 2012

Confession of a working mom

Bear with me..
I need to channel my rungutan and bebelan here
It has been few days that i need to stay back at office to finish up some jobs and to answer certain hot hangat issues to our bosses.. i need a break!!  and knowing that the announced salary increment yg sgt2 ciput..sgt tak berbaloi! then balik rumah, all my kids dah tido pun :( sad sad sadddd....! kesian kat diorang x merasa kasih sayang.. dah la hari2 awal2 pagi as 6:30 am dah kena tinggal kat day care and babysitter.. then balik pun dijemput around 7 pm ++. harung heavy traffic for like an hour, sampai tertido2 dalam kereta.. then sampai rumah, flat.. tido.. tak sempat main2 dgn mak dia yg busy sgt bekerja day and night.. errghhh! so tak worth it la... stress stresss!! 
Tuesday's pix right after I arrived home. both sleeping til the other day :(
I really envy my friend, ieja yg right now a full time biz woman. within 1 year dah boleh resign and gain enough income (i think more than she expected cos it is somewhere around rm20k monthly!).. so i target i have to be like her. ade time pagi2 g jogging dulu (mcm la i rajin ek nak g jogging..haha) then g pasar, gi masak utk amik anak from skool... then update here and there with biz partner..jumpa client kejap2.. oh, so great!!  keje fun, takde stress, xde boss.. kite yg boss.. then bile sudah time, g travel around the world, for FREE okay! 5 stars trip.. fun fun!! plus working with all the positive minded people who support one another. then dapat plak kete for free.. and it is not kancil okay.. it is either BMW, Mercedes, or you name it. the company gives you the allowance.. you choose!
I have to set my goal. i have to be like her.. from part time to full time. from 4 digits salary to 6 digits. Go go, Airin.. now my determination has been set. I've been given trainings by mentors, support and motivation from leaders and other members... I can do it! Wish me luck, people!
and if you wanna know how, come pm me.. i'll share with you. ramai dah berjaya.. seorang surirumah seperti Hanis dah berjaya within 3 years dah jadi millionaire.. kite bile lagi? plus it is a Halal job, okay! InsyaAllah....
tak sabar nak jadi full time biz woman, bley bawa kanak2 ribena ni main puas2 kat kizsport  :)
If you want to know more how we make money in a very happy and cheerful environment, contact me 017-6511966 From part time to full time, from 4 to 6 figures income monthly.. Senang dan berbaloi! I'm serious.


  1. cayok2 Airin .. confirm boleh .. we have the same support .. Apa2 kita usaha bersama .. dah full time, nt kita jog sama2 ;p

  2. InsyaAllah
    Looking forward for more jogging sessions together..cewaah

  3. Thanks for that awesome posting. Useful, and it saved MUCH time! :-)

  4. hope u can be what u want someday.. good luck airin

  5. Mira, thanks for the wish! I hope i could make up the time lost spent at ofce with these kids..and mr hubby (bley plak terlupa include mr hubby..hehehehe)
