
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Breakfast at The Loaf, Empire

We had our breakfast on last Saturday morning at Empire. Since Lissa's playclass at Kizsports started at 12 noon, we arrived there approx 11 am to get something to eat. This marked the earliest day we've arrived Empire. Usually exactly at 12 sampai. terkejar2 naik escallator.huhu
I've been meaning to go to this bakery. The buns look delicious. So there we go, The Loaf at Empire Subang.
the Loaf Empire Subang
The yummy Tuna Mayo, croissant and sugar bun
(alamak, tiba2 craving for the tuna mayo..seriously sedap gile!)
The super thick creamy mushroom soup
Hot Latte and Hot, where's my cappucino? sudah kena curi ka
Posted this pix at FB, they said Lissa did the Korean posed. perasan la plak gadis korea.ahaha
Amboi, sibuk makan x hingat dah kat org yg tukang amik gambar ni
(Lissa : Cubit sket abah nye tuna mayo ni)
Hmm yummy Hot chocolate!
Hanie : Yeay! finished the croissant by my own!
The sleepy head.. pagi2 kena bangun kejut g breakfast..hihi
Overall breakfast experience at The Loaf : Satisfying and definitely a must-go visit for breakfast!


  1. agree! tuna mayo diaorg mmg sedap! kalau singgah sana mesti tak tinggal beli :)

  2. yummy! tp last week i terlupa plak nak singgah beli..eish.. tiba2 teringat and craving....

  3. Tuna mayo the loaf mmg BEST!!!!!
