
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Anugerah SM/SSM 2012 (Part II)

As promised, here are more pictures from the Anugerah SM/SSM 2012 
The Stage
The Man
who has been my backbone (sorry gambar degil tak moh berputar arah jam)
The Beautiful Ladies
Posing sakan before the event
The ladies plus da man (paling tinggi di atas)
Minah bergambar masing2 ni..hehe
With our mentor, Hanis Haizi

With CDM Sha Khalid

Guys in the group
Me in Pink.. malu2 sket..hehe
Lelaki pun boleh buat business Premium Beautiful and berjaya
A teacher cum bizwoman
Me with mentor CDM Hanis Haizi
The fabulous Lady, CDM Hanis Haizi
My man and Ieja's man ;)
The running package and offer right now is FREE FIVE stars trip to Paris and London or Umrah . Menarik kan? everything free!
During discussion with Ieja
Lelaki pun boleh buat. Jual pakaian dalam wanita, dan berjaya.. CDM Said. Bujang dan kaya
CDM Said during the tips sharing with all of us
Ramai yang dah berjaya dalam business ni, rata2 amik approximately 1 year. Selain income yang tinggi, Free trip to oversea 3 times yearly, duit kereta monthly dan juga freedom of time. Semua ada guidance. buat dlm group. kalau kite buat sorang2, mesti lama2 down kan. tapi in this biz everything will be guided and pulangan modal tu confirm. As for me, within 4 months, modal dah dapat balik. sekarang ni kutip untung dan bonus dari company. Spent 2 jam sehari cukupla.. insyaAllah.. jangan jadikan segala kekangan yang kita dapat, halangan untuk kita berjaya. to share with you, this lady, CDM Salha, yang dah berjaya pun dari seorang surirumah. now she's one of top leader in business. Like i shared her story from her blog in Facebook, here, i wanna share again : Change Your life now or never (click here Happy reading!)
If you want to know more how we make money in a very happy and cheerful environment, contact me 017-6511966 From part time to full time, from 4 to 6 figures income monthly.. Senang dan berbaloi!

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