
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Telatah Kanak-kanak Ribena

I know I have to upload these pictures of these two lil precious girls' reunion after Hanie has been admitted and Lissa was taken care by her Mak Teh at Nilai.
At first, Hanie was like, jangan la kakak!

Then, she was, okay..kasi can la kakak rindu kat adik.

Hanie with her senyum terpaksa, kakak terover ;)
 Salam Ramadhan :)


  1. alololo omey both of your kids dear...
    i follow, feel free follow bck

  2. Thank you Berry Mummie
    budak2 ni la penmgarang jantung we all..hehe

    aight, just visited ur blog ;)
