
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our Raya Preparation

How's your Raya Preparation?
Mine almost complete.. tinggal a few je lagi (ye ke? mcm dah terover byk baju raya je nie?) a few selendang and tudung je tak berapa nak maybe hari sabtu je la gi shopping kat rumah.. jgn jeles yer rumah i kat Nilai 3..hehe..agak2 bleh la g jalan kaki kan :) *tak kuasa jln kaki paneh2 toghik tu..huhu
Anyway, yesterday we went out for berbuka puasa. Since Lissa has been shipped to my mom's at Nilai, left us with Hanie, we went to Empire Shopping Gallery. Earlier plan nak buka puasa at Chilli's. But when we arrived, they already fully booked and estimated 1 and half hour waiting list.. warghh! tak kuasa den nak tunggu lamo2 aih.. perut dah la berdendang gendut tali kecapi..hehe. So we went to the next level, found a cafe, Vanilla Place. very nice, italian cuisine. So what I and my husband ordered?
Mine was a set for Berbuka Puasa : Main Course (spaghetti/carbonara) + Mushroom Soup & bread + Ice Lemon Tea + Desert
Turkey ham Carbonara
Nice one!
My Mushroom Soup
My hubby's Seafood Spaghetti (with Clam!)
and for our desert, i chose Bread and Butter Pudding with Vanilla Ice-cream (you can choose quite a range of yummy deserts)
yummy! cold ice-cream plus warm bread, great combination in ur mouth!!
Jemput makan ye
Hanie ngantuk la mama.. takde mood**
Then pusing2, jalan2, konon nak window shopping je.. but i ended up in a shoe shop, Charles & Keith. Love it, love it, love it the shoe designs in the shop!! i almost gone craaaazyyy, girl! though there wasn't any sales or discount for raya, people were queueing to get the hot design shoes. You can check it out here. The pumps, the flats and even wedges are very chantekk! Although the price quite on the higher end for me (biasa2 shopping kat Voir and Vincci je ye), luckily mr hubby came to the rescue.. out of sudden offered to buy me the shoe. kalau ku tahu dah rembat dah 5-6 pasang..hihihi
the one that captured my eye! comfortable yet stylish
Ingatkan dah settle. rupanye singgah plak Pedro. Men shoes are gorgeous! Rambang mata la cik abang memilih.. dekat half an hour try this and that shoes. sib baik amik gak 1 pair. klu tak, maunye salesman tu mengamuk. but the price...aiyooo..bleh beli 3 pairs of my shoes tau! 
Then, pusing2 lagi, my hubby gi restroom, i pun pegi singgah this one butik. very nice and beautiful design of baju kurung, and i wonder, price mesti mahal.. but No!, they were having 50% off, okay! so baju2 kurung yg ade, harga lagi murah dari kat PKNS yg mahal berhantu tu. memang berbaloi. so ape lagi, rembat la satu kaler pink. just nice my size..hehe..sukeer! mr hubby sampai, tepuk kepala.. adui.. berapa byk baju, sengih kerang busuk je la
balik je rumah dah rasa excited nak tengok baju2 raya yg telah berjaya dikumpul.. so i gathered all the baju melayu, baju kurung kanak2 ribena and my baju. though it was already 11 pm *jgn tak percaya, i usually sleep at 10 pm paling lambat..nak bgn sahur nye pasal and of course start try this and that. ala model gitu *nak jadi model tak berjaya, jadila unpaid model to my husband..
Our first raya - white
Mine bj putih, kain pink
Lissa has 2 pairs of whites - satu sama dgn hanie, all white. satu lagi kebaya putih with kain hitam (hanie takde size..sian dia)
1st Raya (mlm) Blue. Same as above, Lissa has two pairs. maybe choose the one yg sama dgn Hanie
2nd Raya - Pinkie
Now, I have 2 pairs. 1 pagi, satu lagi petang. yg lain2, sila pakai sepanjang hari ye..kihkih
3rd Raya, mine and husband's -Peach
Kids? nak g tengok dlm beg bandung gown yg x pakai lagi tu..
My shoes and kids' shoe (beli time sale kat Metrojaya Midvalley. berbaloi2)
Mr husband tak kalah, butang baju baru je ade 3 jenis. yg lama i pun tak ingt letak mana..hehe
His Pedro shoe which cost a fortune!! and 2 Renoma shirts jualan borong kat Metrojaya  (one more dah selamat dipakai..haha)
Hanie pun nak gak tengok! mode ngantuk terover sbb dah pukul 12mlm
Ok, dah..nak kena sambung buat keje ni.. padahal mood keje takde dah. office almost kosong..30% je tinggal lagi kononnye bersungguh2 sgt la buat keje.. padahal mengupdate blog..hikhik
Cant wait to pack tonight. By esok pagi sumbat sumer2 bag dlm kete..and after keje (uhuk!) baru gerak balik Nilai.. Cant Wait!!!

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