
Monday, August 13, 2012

Berbuka Puasa Event at Nusarhu

We had a great iftar last two weeks, during weekend (Really shud push myself to update earlier *dush*dush*) at our neighbourhood area, Bandar Nusarhu. To those who doesnt know where it is, u can search through google maps "Nusarhu Section U10 Shah Alam".
It was a pot luck event plus extra chicken bbq from the experts :) I brought along my specialty, a healthy chicken salad (tips utk org malas masak - opps. me, not malas okay, tp ade kanak2 ribena yg extra rajin menolong, which will make time spent at kitchen very very short. hihi) plus order from my husband's friend. very delicious sardine rolls.
Enjoy the pix!
My Chicken Salad
The variety of food
My salad + Sardine roll and the bbq chicken..yummy!

Me (baju kotak2) with Hanie and Lissa waiting for the time
Mr hubby sibuk mbakar chicken
The event took place near our house
Everybody already busied eating
It was fun to have a great community like this. There'll more to come after this. heard that there'll be Hari Raya celebration after this. Can't wait for the event.
Thanks to all committees. we had a great time, eating and mingling with friends and neighbours. 

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