
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ramadhan & Hanie

Our 4th Ramadhan as husband and wife, our 3rd Ramadhan with Lissa & our 2nd Ramadhan with Hanie..yet we "celebrate" it at a medical center...what an experience..
Hanie was down with fever,prolonged coughing for more than 1 wk. all infected from lissa..last 2 wks,lissa had the cold,coughs n fever for 2 days.transferred to me n hanie.
I kept on going back to clinic for better treatment for hanie after her medicine almost finish,but her condition remained. plus what worries me most is that she refused to eat,drink and even rejected me when i tried to bf her. so on friday,we went to Sime Darby Medical Center at Subang Jaya.and as i expected, she has been held warded..which was kinda relieve for me..been up taking care of lissa, then hanie, with my health deteriorated, hopefully she'll get better and recover faster. though this means that i will hv my sahur and bbuka at the hospital.
first night was a bit rough.hanie goin tru gruelling session of nebuliser, suctions and so a single bedded room fully occupied. my hubby n lissa couldnt stay...sahur alone
! oh sooo sad.. luckily we got upgraded to single bedded tonite..and expected to discharge some time between monday or tuesday, once the antibiotic course over. so i would consider this as "break time". having nurses and paed around, mke things a lot easier for me rather than alone, trying my very best to take good care of hanie.
lets pray for hanie's fast recovery..insyaAllah, everything will be fine for all of us :)

(from left) visit from atok,maksu,mkteh,kakak & nenek today for berbuka puasa together

while waiting for room

first day, hanie cried almost all day


  1. Get well soon Hanie darling!!Sian..dah kuar hspital belum??

    Bulan puasa ni, bnyk menguji kesabaran kita, sama2 kita berdoa agar yang terbaik untuk kita sekeluarga..
    Sabar ek Airin..n Selamat berpuasa..

    1. thanks auntie Nadia.
      until now hanie getting better.just kahak byk lagi n quite continue sucion twice daily.neb every 3 hrs..most likely wednesday baru bley discharged :(
      pray for me..insyaAllah..
      selamat berpuasa to auntie nadia n family

  2. ololololo.... semoga hanie cepat sembuh yer... and be strong airin dearie... semua dugaan yang datang only to make us better person in future...

  3. thank you dila. lmbt la plak reply comment ni ye
    lets met up for berbuka puasa :)
