
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man Movie Review

Thanks to Nuffnang, I received 2 free tickets for the Premier show of The Amazing Spider Man last night. (you can read the previous entry here and the related selected blog entry here). The great thing is that we got to watch it before other malaysians ;) The show will officially launch in Malaysia on 5th of July 2012. 
The show started at 9:00 pm at TGV Sunway Pyramid. We arrived just in time during the tickets distribution. I brought along my lovely husband (of coz la kan..) and Lissa (she kept on saying "nak tengok spider").
What do I think of the movie?
Two thumbs up!! (if i have extra hand, i'll raise more!!)
Seriously? Yeah, I like it so much. In fact, I give more than the maximum stars ever. The movie plot was well written, the rolls were well played. This is just my personal opinion. other people might find it was just ok. but for me, the jokes and how playful the spiderman character gets into are so good. 
There was a scene where the spiderman was waiting for the enemy aka Lizard in the tunnel while playing the Bubble games with his cellphone! how hilarious. And there was also a scene where he has completely dressed up as spiderman, but wearing his backpack where suddenly his auntie May called to order eggs, and it is organic eggs, okay! There were more scenes good for laughs. but when it came to a serious scene after he rescued a boy where he watched the father-son moment, it was a bit teary..
Now let me write the storyline a bit. 
Warning : This entry might contains spoilers
The movie started off with Peter Parker (played by Andrew Garfield) as a boy, been sent away by his parents to stay with his uncle Ben and Aunt May. His mother, in tears had to let go off her son and went away with his father, in hurry. His father was a scientist, working in some sort of classified projects about the DNA crossing, to improve humankind. 
Growing up as teenagers, Peter wasn't a favourite at his school. He was known as a cameraman who was a target for bully by his schoolmates, namely Flash (played by Chris Zylka - catchy for eyes, ladies!) And then there was this young sweet lady, Gwen Stacy (played by Emma Stone) whom Peter fell for. He even has her picture as wallpaper background of his Pc at home.
Her voice is soooo sexy!
He somehow found out that his father was a scientist.and has a partner,whom at the moment working for one big company, working on the same project, for almost 15 years but never find the ultimate solution. The partner, Dr Connor has one arm only, has intention to grow his other arm, just like a lizard grew their tails.
Then somehow, Peter went for a visit to the doctor's lab, and managed to slip through inside one of the lab, which developing spider's "potion", and he got bitten by a spider.
Going home, he was so afraid and surprised on his sensitivity of his senses. These are the scenes where everything were so funny; his hands stuck to everything that he held; he was so powerful that closing a door will actually break the glass..and many more that will definitely bring a good laughs to the audience.
The scene when his hand stuck to the train's pole
Peter later encountered with arguments when he came back late to home. Uncle Ben was so furious with his attitude. Peter stormed out of the house. Uncle Ben tried to reach him by phone, left a very moving voice mail. 
Uncle Ben got shot while he was looking for Peter. Peter was very upset, and designed himself a great outfit to make sure no one recognized him. He looked everywhere in New York city for his uncle ben's killer. He somehow helped NY policemen arrested burglars and thieves.
Later on, Dr Connor got very desperate, he injected himself with the potion and felt really good when woke up. His hand finally grew.. but only for a few minutes, later he was so swollen and getting bigger, turned out to be one big giant lizard.
What's next?

Yeah, you've got to watch it to know the plot :) gotcha!
and how Peter's relation bloomed with Gwen..and her father is the Chief of NYPD who has made a point that spiderman is someone to be catched!
Anyway, it is a great movie to catch. I did enjoy it, more, compared to the previous version of spiderman movies. Love it, love it!! sorry if the way i write the review seemed not so convincing, but trust me. you wont be disappointed with this new version of Spider Man.
Notes : Pictures taken from 

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