
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

From Lissa's Diary: Trip To Bird Park

Hello Friends!
Lissa here.
Mama gave me permission to write about my school trip to KL bird park on April 2012. yeay!
My school, My Little Impian Playhouse School organized a school trip to KL Bird Park. This is a yearly event. Last year i heard they went to KL Zoo, i think, since i wasnt in school that time :) This time around, i make sure I made it! Since this year's theme is all about bird and butterfly (or i called aberfly), Teacher Aqilah, my principal suggested Bird Park. We went along with all teachers to the trip. We went by bus to KL. It was fun! Now, enjoy the pictures 
Briefing session by Teacher Aqilah
Kakak Kiki helped me to wear shoes
"Beratur!" Kakak Kiki helped (again) to tidy my hair
"Peace!" except me..haha
The 6 year old class - very organized!
The 5 year old class - also "menurut kata"
The 4 year old class - alamak!!
Waiting for lunch time! me sat along with my mom's friend's son
Walking down, very excited!
There! the chicks!
Teacher Aqilah giving instruction before the bird show starts
Me, maintaining the "muncung"
Giving the performance :)
Oh, the bird! (i went back home and kept on singing the "burung kakak tua" song)
Ok, more pictures, but lil time to upload. 
Overall i was very happy. I will ask my mom to let me go for another trip next year! cant wait!! :D


  1. Alolololo comelnya dia! Geram aunty tgk. Babe, terharu tak gugurl u dah besar, dah pegi rombongan bagai...? :)

  2. Terharu tau nad..
    how time flies!!
    kejap je dah besar bleh gi rombongan sekolah bagai (and by her own plak tu)
    pejam celik pejam celik dah dekat 3 years old. mmg cepat la
