
Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm back!

Hello readers!

yeah i'm back from jakarta and bandung (actually,6 days ago..but i was down with fever right after i arrived kl)

well..i tell u the whole story..the review about bandung (plus the shopping tips).we were in jakarta for 3 nights;having an opportunity to visit the safari at Bogor again and it was superb! we got to spend the whole 5 days and 4 nights at Bandung ultimately for shopping!! it was awesome..and tiresome..hehe.. i'll get the whole story later..complete with uploaded pix,i promise :)

alrite then, 3 full loaded luggages waiting to be unpacked!! talk to u later!

**muahhss**hugs and kisses

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  1. Me too came back from indonesia last week but still couldnt write bout it..let's share our story soon..

    1. hye ddfirdaus!
      thanks for visiting my blog
      which part of indonesia u went to? yeah,lets write about our trip bout make it this week ;) hopefully the internet will b goood to us many pix to upload
      share ur story too okay!

  2. walaupun aku tak penah sampai indonesia tapi nak gak nyibuk komen kat sini coz korang dua2 kawan aku yang baru balik bercuti.... apa korang tak simpati ker kat kawan korang yg tak penah gi oversea nihhh?? [sambil buat muka kesian giler dengan harapan dapat laa souveniour kain ela 4 meter... hahahaha]

  3. hahaha.lawakla ko dila..mehla datang sementara ade lg kek lapis bandung ni.kang dah expired.haha
    kain pasang mmg x berapa beli.hehe.aku dok beli baju bdk2 je.blambak2 la plak bl tgk balik ni.hehe
