
Monday, April 16, 2012

Travel for a working and breastfeeding mom

Hello mommies!
I have been so busy lately since i transfered to new department. Definitely it is a totally different from what I did previously. Before i used to deal with a lot of technical stuff, engineering and material methodology, which i did enjoy myself. The main reason i request for a transfer to another department is bcoz i need to upgrade myself..more prospect career more kachingg! Now, what i do is more towards non engineering background needed.. towards IT, software items. and more fun is i also deal with events. yeah yeah.. totally not what i studied, not what i used to practice..but i hope it is better in terms of career development :)
My first assignment last week was to attend a meeting about Youth of Pekan 2012 with a District Office of Pekan on Friday morning. I went there with my boss (the new one, of course) and my subordinate. Since my ebm stock were super duper red alarming, meaning almost reaches zero bottles, i arranged for my baby, Hanie to come along. I brought along my sister, who coincidently was on a semester break last 2 weeks. And i have to left Lissa with her Abah because she has the first school trip on Friday to KL Bird Park. I drove to Kuantan, brought along my sis and Hanie. Luckily my boss was okay with me bringing along the whole "askar"..He also has a son same age with Hanie. So he did understand when his wife needs to travel.
We stayed at Vistana Hotel, Kuantan for one night. The hotel looks nice, but the facilities werent at that 4 stars rate. They didnt have mineral/drinking water in the room. The TV didnt has most of entertaining channels. Also, since the hotel was fully booked, they only got me a twin bed room, which was quite small. We ended up asking for extra bed since we stayed for 3 adults.
Anyway, what i want to write is actually tips for a working mom who still breasfeeding her baby to be able to be ready anytime the work permits us to travel..and of course, without our baby :
1. The main thing is : Our EBM stock. is it enough?
2. The capable babysitter or people who wants to take care of our baby especially at night. Not someone who slept throughout the night without realizing the baby was screaming out her lung!
3. The Itinerary : Make sure our spouse or babysitter get the copy of our itinerary so that they know where we are in case of anything.
4. Trust your spouse or babysitter : We dont need to give a call every 5 minutes to check whats going on, okay. Schedule the call some time in the afternoon and maybe after dinner to check on them.
5. Always discipline with our pumping schedule to ensure our supply of milk doesnt depleted. Remember that supply = demands. more demand, more supply ;)
6. If you are away from country, always check with country's regulation for airport when we want to transport our ebm.
7. Stay focused during our working time. We cant be doing our job right if we keep on thinking of our baby at home.
8. Most importantly after we went back, set one time to be with our loved ones, including my hubby ;) (so that next time, he'll be okay we went away..)
By the way, reminder for me, to ensure stock for ebm reaches at least 3 days.. a new target for me.. yeah, working day and night to achieve this. wish me luck!!
More on breastfeeding, pumping and travel mom, visit babycenter here.


  1. Dah travel dah, best btol ni..;)
    Sian kakak kena time k Lissa ;)

  2. Kesian gak kat kakak. tp sbb dia have fun kat Bird park, dah x ingat dah kat adik or mama dia. and surprisingly, my mom cakap, dia behave gile kat rumah dok dgn abah dia and nenek dia.
    mama dia balik je, mula la start buat perangai..aduyai...
