
Monday, April 9, 2012

First Day of Work

Today is my first day at my new office. Still at Proton, but i requested to be transfered to another department to pursue a career dev opportuniy. I am not going to stay at the same department since i cant see any career development, especially for a female engineer like me. Why i said that? because i was the only female engineer left in that dept. And most of the bosses, especially the new boss, has his "own opinion" towards female engineer. So i rather left before my motivation to work drop to zero..which almost did. I even has a thought to resign and be a full time mom.. macam best je..kalau kaya takpela.. cari side income dulu through Premium Beautiful. senang aje ;)
I will tell what i went through in this new working environment in the other entry ;)
I'll try to upload some comparison my old desk vs new one.. u'll definitely notice the difference!


  1. Best jugak kan dpt tukar departmnt... Fresh start!... Happy working airin..

  2. Best jugak kan dpt tukar departmnt... Fresh start!... Happy working airin..

  3. Aah bibi
    dok satu department too long pun x bagus..
    dpt pindah ni, totally different workscope and environment
    ramai gak perempuan. best sket, ade geng ;)
