
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Once Upon A Time : Our Family Outing Story

Once upon a time (takla lama pun, last weekend jeik..gempak sket..hehe)
We went out for an outing to Sunway Pyramid
No more words, layan je these pictures. People say, picture speaks more than a thousand words..

In the beginning, everyone was happy!
Kakak with her signature smile
Again, signature smile = senget smile
Adik was busy with her cream crackers
Makan lagi...
Happy sungguh

someone dropped the french fries...!
Yes, one whole basket!
Then.. there were no more pictures..
Abah marah, kakak muncung..
eish eishh...

Notes : This is an entry without an objective.. Just to kill time! Bila la nak ding dong balik rumah ni.....


  1. hihihi, comel entry ini.

    Airin, u look lovely in those photos. color tu kna sgt dgn you! :)
