
Monday, February 6, 2012

From Hanie's Diary: The Makeover

Hello everyone!
This is my first time writing in momma's blog. I'll name it "From Hanie's Diary".
Today I'm going to talk about my first makeover.
Above picture is my smiling face, right before the makeover. I was excited - yet very nervous since momma said i'm gonna look very very different. Hmm.. what's it gonna be?Momma told me that before Kakak went through this experience.. 
Abah started off with cutting all my existing hair.. i mean all is ALL! I was screaming my heart out, but i wasnt sure becoz of the hair cutting session or becoz i was too sleepy and felt disturbed by the sound of the scissors. hehe
Later momma put me inside the bathtub and made me busy playing inside the warm water. while abah was busy .. busy shaving off my head!
And the result :
How do i look?
This is my cousin. Makngah's baby : Hana Eryna. Makngah is my momma's sister. She also was having a bad day, without hair! Same as me, though i was pretty cool about it..until.. suddenly i realized...
All my hair is GONE!!

Keep my cool....keep my cool... kept on telling myself that...
Wait til i grow back my hair. 


  1. awat sekarang baru botak? kalau aku.. mama dia yg nangis.. haha

  2. hahaha.. tula dah lambat baru botak. tunggu dia boleh duduk dulu. senang sket nak botakkan dlm bathtub jeik. pastu tangguh2, tau je dia dah dekat 10 bln dah.
    skrg ni mode botak chin la..hehe..cover line pakai cap klu kuar jln :)

  3. lalalala, comel sungguh la dia! esp the last photo tu, tersengih i tgk :D

  4. auntie! Thank you for the compliment :) tengokla comel macam siapa..hehehe (mama dia perasan lebey)

  5. Ololo dah botak mcm muka lissa time kecik.commey ;)

  6. mmg mcm lissa jeik rupa hanie. sat g nak upload gambar bdk botak dua org ni.hehe

  7. kak long, muka hanie sama cam kak long plak bila botak. hihihi
