
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Goodbye 2011. . Welcome 2012!

Goodbye 2011
You've been very nice to me and family..
All the memories will be sealed safely in my heart

2011 full of events and episodes..
To giving birth to our second daughter

To finally meet another nur.. Nur Aireena Hanie Myazara

To witness these two kids bonded up - Priceless!

Watching Lissa grew up..
Having her listen to her mom singing a Happy Birthday song early in the morning for her 2nd birthday

Brought her to her fav place, phissh! aquaria KLCC

 To finally find a home for our lil family

To go through a very tough process - yes,it was tough : selecting curtain!
Having a painting experience - with the expert, Miss Lissa
 To experience another round of breastfeeding experience..
Finally getting 8 oz per pumping session

Keep adding up stocks during pantang
Having very very good friends around me (thanks guys for the love!)

And finally, a three happy years together with this chenta hati :)

InsyaAllah, 2012 will be better for all of us..
wishing for more happiness
wishing for better health
wishing for a better motherhood (and more organized!)
and of course..
wishing for a better career path ahead..amiiin!
Might be my last day on top of roof at Casting Plant (habis kotor baju panjat tangga!)


  1. aha..shud've printed out these type of entry la..tapi ntah bile nk print pun xtau.huhu

  2. woot woot! what an achievement in 2011. congrats! i doakan this year akan lebih baik lagi utk u and ur family.

    u dah pindah ye..duk mana skang?

    btw, tgk gamba u atas roof, teringat zaman i single dulu keja kat maxis. keja panjat tower n rooftop je, survey nak letak base station. rindu those times!

    1. thanks nad! insyaAllah..looking for a better year this 2012 ;) for all of us
      aha..pindah dh.prev at batu tiga,near mommys nadia rented out the apt.pindah at nusarhu,sec U10,near puncak perdana/cahaya spk area.
      ooh u dl pun pnjt roof ke?wow!cant imagine how u climb up! respect!!
