
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Resume role as a working mom

Here are my things-to-do list before i start working on 20th June 2011(oh, mark the date!)
these are my actual list since i left my organizer back at ofce. yes, i admit, i am an organizer-freak.i got lost when i dont hv my organizer with me..hehe. since i delivered earlier than expected due date, i left my ofce unprepared. with some of things, important things such as my organizer & my thumbdrive, and most of the unfinished jobs which i was supposed to hand over to certain people. nasib la sape2 yg kena completekan my report, budget request paper and etc.. hehehehe(evil laugh!)
Ok, back to my list, here it is :

A) Scheduled Event/Things to do:
6~8/6 Hubby's Hometown trip, Batu Pahat
11/6 Wedding of Nik Elda, Dewan Gemilang,UKM Bangi
15/6 Send Hanie to Babysitter (1st time trial before I start working-3 days ahead)

B) Unscheduled Things to do:
1. Practice giving ebm to Hanie (mommies, any idea when to start? 1 week before the real deal?)

2. Send my Spectra 3 for a service (do i need to? the pump sounded really loud as compared to last time usage. my sister said it sounds like a bullfrog!)

3. Check my Ebm stock (aha, currently entering another level of my freezer. the battle between ebm and chicken+meat+fish has begun!)

4. Find my normal Proton's uniform (seriously, ni pun kena letak dlm list?? yup, yup, i cant remember where i put it..ngehe)

5. Check my work bag - my work pass, drawer's key, etc (terasa mcm budak2 nak masuk sekolah after a long school holiday plak)

6. Set an appointment with my potential new boss (hopefully no one will tell my current boss.huhu. thinking about transferring to another dept. so tired wif the no-female-can-suit-in-foundry-environment mindset. Hello! i'm there for more than 5 yrs now, ok, and still survived)

7. Visit a hairdresser (i desperately need a cut! wanna join, anyone?)

8. Last but not least, set a date with my hubby! (yes, just the two of us.. movie + lunch date.. yang, bile ek? i believe you should apply for a leave some time between 15th to 17th, tau. need to do some catching up with movies. fast & furious 5-erk, ada lagi ke ; xmen ; nur kasih -erm..nk tgk ke? i dont mind a marathon!!)

How i wish i dont have to go back to work. Something i found from this website:
But combining work with your family commitments isn’t easy. In a survey by the charity Working Families, 44 per cent of working parents said they’d like to do flexible hours, and a further 30 per cent longed for a shorter working day. It’s no surprise, then, that for many mums, having a baby prompts them to completely rethink their career.
hmm..prompt me to completely rethink my career? yes yes yes, definitely! why do i have to work? is it because i need the chance to exercise my brain, or fully utilized my degree, or because i need to have the adult contact (compared to baby & kids contact only), or just because i need the extra money? only if i could ask for a shorter working period...

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