
Monday, May 16, 2011


that's the only word that keeps on playing, rewinding, recording through my head the whole weekend.
i was up as early as 5 am to change hanie's diaper..yes, she pooped, and a lot!
then another hour to feed her which last for more than an hour..
then about 7:30 am, which is half-an-hour apart from my last activity, i got up just to prepare formula for Lissa. (luckily, i've got mr hubby who woke up 5 mins earlier than me to change Lissa's diaper. yes, she pooped like her baby sister too..)
after that, i got an hour for a nap.
woke up - brushed off Hanie's barut due to her pooped after soaking it. then did 1 load of laundry - all these 2 kids' clothing.
prepared warm water for Hanie - yup, she woke up to be fed.
fed Hanie for about half an hour, while sometimes yelled at Lissa coz she messed the room with all her toys.
took hanie for a bath - she screamed as loud as she could. not happy to take bath,i guess
then took Lissa for a bath - whom ran across the hall just so to tease her mom. fuhhh.. another exercise for me
after that, i prep both of them for a nap. phew, lucky to have them both sleep for more than 2 hours.
Only after that i could have alone time - catching up with laundry, showering and having brunch.
i know, i should've let my mom took Lissa back to Nilai this weekend, but i just couldnt let Lissa go, for what, 2-3 nights in a row. though she did test me a lot, i mean, A LOT! but i still need her to entertain me. with her multiple funny faces, with her dancing along with iklan-especially the ribena ad, with her mimicking me, her abah and her baby sister - sneezing, coughing, laughing and crying. we did enjoy it. 

before the baby popped out of me, i managed to meet up with 2 of my buddies, Hazrina and Shahida on Sunday. we met 4 days before i deliver, at Nando's, Subang Parade.
Lissa with Hazrina's 4 mo baby

"baby, baby!"

Lissa, pose for abah

From left, Shahida and her baby, Aira; Hazrina and her baby, Hana; me and Lissa.

The chaos!

Lissa and Aira shook hand

Cute, baby, said Lissa.
Aira, Shahida's baby is only 4 days younger than Lissa. see previous entry where Lissa and Aira met for the first time. We did a lil catching up since last time we met was almost a year. Fyi, Sha's wedding date was 1 day after mine (mine on 24th Dec 08) and Hazrina was on 27th Dec 08. I guess when we were so close, our jodoh also almost close to each other.. funny yet true :)

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